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[12:45 PM EDT - Yet another flat.]

I stayed up late last night and couldn't fall asleep because of the heat and humidity. I could barely get up this morning. I actually did get out of the house early, but it seems as if fate always conspires to make me late for work, for as I started up the car, I realized that it wasn't moving. Normally, I throw the car into neutral so that I can coast out of the driveway before putting it into gear (it's a lot easier when the car's in motion). But the car wasn't moving. I tried turning the wheels without much luck. I thought that it might be caused by sticky rear brakes so I decided to just start driving anyway. It should loosen up after I started moving the car. I noticed that the car was wobbling on the left hand side so I stopped the car and inspected the rear tires. Strange, they looked fine. as I rounded the car and came back to the driver's side, I looked at the front left tire: It was flat. It was completely flat. Aww.. crap. This wasn't good. Fortunately, my dad is an equipment packrat and he had an air compressor hidden in the garage somewhere. It didn't take me long to find it and fill up my tire. As I was filling it up, I noticed that the intake valve got stuck and leaked air. I guess that could've been the cause of the leak. Man, I should've replaced all of the valves when I got the tires replaced. Ah well, that's hindsight for you.

So I called into work and drove to the Canadian Tire where I got the tires replaced. Well, hopefully I'll get that done with soon. I think I've got a lot of work to do today.

Oh yeah, I was reminded by HT that ET had a flat yesterday and that was after she had been in my neighborhood. Hmm, it's just a coincidence right?

Well, I got in late because of it. Not too late mind you, but still later than my normal late self..


[12:46 PM EDT - Dream Sequence: Blocky Jeans.]

This morning's dream had a lot to do with blocks. Little alphabet blocks. Unfortunately, I can't remember anything about that part of the dream. The one sequence I do recall involves me working at a new job. I was working away when I was told that there was a jean switching event going on at that moment. Apparently there was some sort of business policy that allowed the workers to wear jeans to work with the caveat that at any time, the managers can tell all of the employees to take off their jeans and switch into pants. Unfortunately, I was not aware of this, and as I watched the jean wearing workers tearing off their jeans and replacing them with more businesslike attire (some were actually wearing pants under their jeans) I was busy trying to look inconspicuous. Even Laz was prepared as he had brought a change of clothes. Eventually, only I remained as the sole jean wearing outcast and the (female) boss came in to address the troops. I tried to hide behind the other workers as she passed by, but apparently she wasn't paying any attention to us since she wasn't looking at our legs. I tried to wander to the back of the crowd and was accosted by a fellow employee who asked me why I wasn't prepared..


[3:34 PM EDT - So Cut Quote.]

Uhh.. apparently I got quoted by someone. (PRQ methinks.)

"See, you can't be cut from this team. You can only be cut to this team."

I don't remember saying those exact words, but.. actually, I don't remember much of anything anyway so I'll stop typing.


[6:00 PM EDT - I don't need a whole lots of money..]

Well sonofagun. Son of a gun. (I really should ask if his dad's a gun.)

Anyway, it seems as if PRQ has a Museum. I never knew.

I can't add much more than that except for: How many others?


[6:03 PM EDT - It's all compressed.]

Oh yeah, I forgot to let the air out of the compressor. Remind me to do that when I get home. I don't want anything blown up when I get back.


[Saturday, August 23, 2003: When plans go awry.]

I didn't have any plans for tonight so I thought I'd do some catching up on finances, burn those CDs and clean up my paperwork. Well, when I got home, I started up my burning process and got a call to come out to dinner with the relatives across the street. (I had told them that I didn't have anything to do and would eat dinner there. I guess they were hungry.) So I put everything on hold and decided to continue my cleanup when I got back. When I got to the door, GS opened up the door, and commented,

"Wow, you're so tall! (Either that or I've shrunk.)"

I think it's only been a couple of years since they last saw me.. Well, I went out to help pick up the food, and after I brought it back, I was immediately accosted by TS. TS and AS both tried making fun of me and the one joke I remember was,

"Does your face hurt?"

Um.. no..

"Because it's killing me!"

*smacks forehead*

So anyway, I got dragged in to playing MJ (although I got TS to play for me - that kid's got a horseshoe stuck up her.. uh.. nothing) and stayed until I had to leave for hockey.

The hockey game didn't go so well. I played somewhat poorly and we gave up a lot of bad and fluky goals. The one clearing shot which Dragon came out to clear and slipped and fell (thus allowing the puck to enter the net) was one for the highlight reel. ("Pulled a [QYV]" is the saying.)

Ah well, there's always next week..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:33:14 EDT

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