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[12:25 AM EDT - Disabling knee.]

I'm planning on working on this disabling of buttons project for these forms. It shouldn't take long. Too bad I don't have time to do it.

Because of the rain forecast for tonight, ultimate was canceled (as I mentioned earlier), so I headed out to badminton. It was okay, although missing three weeks of badminton really made a difference. I couldn't hit the bird at all! (Mind you, I have trouble hitting the bird at the best of times.) What was more interesting was that my knee was really acting up on me today. The left one that is. It felt really sore and weak. I couldn't bend it all the way either without feeling some pain, so PT gave me a tensor bandage to put on. At least it stop hurting after a while. I may have to wear it until I get it looked at.


[12:50 AM EDT - Dream Sequence: Washroom computer river.]

Last night's dream has to be one of the strangest I had recently. Three parts of the dream stick out in my memory. In the first part, I was being shown around KH and DeeL's new place. It looked okay, although a little run down. I really had to go to the washroom though, so KH told me where to go. When I got to the spot, all I saw were some broken toilet seats and some drains in the floor covered by a grill and quite a bit of debris. I checked the other toilet and it was in the same shape (if not worse). Well, I really had to go, so go I did. What came out was this thick red liquid that looked like a mix of urine and blood. More blood than urine. I was completely disgusted, but it just kept going and going..

The middle frame was a timid compared to the others. I was in a computer lab of some sort and I was given the task of making a pair of peripherals talk to each other. My computer monitor was surrounded by these weird attachment slots where I was able to put these drive like devices and hook them up together and to the computer. The cables were huge and had these funky lights that reminded me of case modder lights. I did a bit of work on them before someone came up to me and I had to dismantle my work.

I then found myself flying over a small river, in which there were bodies. Human bodies. Lots of human bodies. The water was crystal clear, and the river bed was littered with the bodies of people who were executed for politcal reasons, or some other non-descript crime, to trivial to mention. Their pale white bodies covered the dark riverbed, giving it an eerie glow in the bright sunlight. In amongst the bodies were manequins, and even human sized pictures of people who had died in the river. As we continued up the river, more and more bodies were replaced by these life sized photographs and human manequins, and eventually we came up to one photo of a family. It was a family that I recognized. I was travelling in the plane with my dad and some other guy, and when he saw the photo, he wailed in despair. For a moment, there wasn't anything we could do, but as I looked up from this river of death, and looked back into the plane cabin, I saw the steward smile and open the bar fridge. Inside was one of the family members, and he had a beaming smile ashe pulled himself out of the fridge. The rest of the family literally came out of the woodwork as they appeared from other hiding spots in the walls..


[10:41 AM EDT - Shopping to do and knees to look at.]

I've got that chiropractor appointment next week after work, so I'll see what that's like. I probably should go see a physiotherapist however.

I've also got a lot of shopping to do and some stuff I need to do for the Ski Patrol. I think I was supposed to do it last weekend but I got busy. *sigh*


[1:49 PM EDT - Rock my world..]

That's cool, did we just have an earthquake? (Or was it just someone's lunch?)


[10:00 PM EDT - It has arrived, sire.]

Ah ha! My package has arrived.

Anyway, I've taken it easy today since I've got ultimate tomorrow and hockey on Friday. I should've gone shopping downtown, but I left work a little later than normal (although I found out the root of a problem) and I didn't think I'd find all that much at this point in time since the sale's been on for a few days now.

I've got quite a bit of other stuff to shop for though. With Half-Life 2 coming out, I'll need a new system, and a new hard drive. (I'm running on my last two GB right now.) I've been looking at what's out there, and the 120 GB level looks like the sweet spot. 120 GB! What the heck and I going to throw onto that hard drive? How the heck would I ever back it up? Certainly not with floppies..

Since that little experiment with my remaining Pentium failed, I'll be bringing it back home. I've got another VGA cable so I'll be hooking it up to the switch. I'm not quite sure what I'll be putting on it since 8 MB of RAM isn't quite a lot, but some older versions of Linux should be able to run on it without a hitch. I'm just worried about security..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:42 EDT

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