I think I've seen this before, but here we go anyway. I found the link from here while looking for that Indy Adaptation.
It's Monday again. *blink* Okay, back to work.
Oh, before I go, while I was driving to work I saw this blond girl walking across the street. Since this is a predominantly Chinese neighborhood, I thought it might be some Chinese chick who bleached her hair, but I looked at her (long) legs (she was wearing shorts - with an emphasis on SHORT) and realized that she was white! So as I pulled up to the red light, I realized how good looking she was! (There aren't too many good looking white girls in my neighborhood that I know of.) Anyway, this truck pulled up next to me blocking my view, but I noticed how the driver also had his head turned.. (Oops, green light.)
(Ain't summer great?)
Man, I'm really zoned out for some reason. Actually, I've been fairly zoned out for the past while and I'm not quite sure why. Oh well. Let's see now.. focus.. focus..
I'm going to see the Stones! I got the day off on Wednesday so I'll be able to meet up with the Vermont crew and try to force our way into Downsview in the morning. It's going to be crazy..
Maybe I should get myself a disposable camera..
CL told me about this site.
I went shopping today. I needed to pick up some gatorade (finally found a place which sells by case) and some other stuff. Unfortunately, I forgot to pick up a disposable camera for Wednesday's concert. I'll have to do it during lunch tomorrow.