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[10:43 PM EDT - News Bytes: Stars of Doom.]

I found two interesting articles up on the ShackNews today. The first is about some guy who needs a life. Well, he'll be needing one after DooM 3 comes out. The second is about the origin of cosmic dust.


[11:24 PM EDT - Return to the Tournament: Longer, wetter, better.]

I am so tired. Actually, I'm in much better condition than I thought I'd be at this time. Mind you, I did take it easy, and the pain will only get to me in a day or so. But in any case, I'm still tired.

I've got tons of clothes to put away, some chores to do, and many other things I had planned but not really in any mood to complete.

In any case, I was woken up this morning by my alarm, but I got up and turned it off. The first game today was scheduled for ten, and my alarm went off at eight, so I had plenty of time to sleep in.

I was woken up again by my cell phone. It was BMH and he was asking me where I was. I looked at the time: 10:18. Doh. Fortunately, the first game was canceled since the other team defaulted, so I was able to sleep in a little longer before getting up to go to the game. I got yet another call an hour later asking where I was, because the second game had started! Argh! So I skipped breakfast, and half of my personal hygine routines and rushed out to the field. Apparently the three teams (The ninjastars, Go Commando, and the Little Blue Hedgehogs) we were playing for (excluding the Amsterdamagers) were all playing at that field! What a coincidence!

I played a lot better today, but that's probably because of the weather. I kept having little altercations with JH and the best one was the pistachio shells in my shoe. I actually caught that one early, so I saved myself considerable embarassment. We still lost both of our games, although the scores were a tad bit more respectable. It started raining during the second game, and by the end, it was really coming down. Fortunately, JH brought an umbrella (I left mine in the car. *smacks forehead*) and we both huddled under it as we headed off to the ninjastars game.

I was surprised that the ninjastars were still playing. I was even more surprised when they continued to play the full game even as a torrential downpour was making it nigh impossible to see/catch/throw/run. Since I had arrived late, I couldn't play (apparently there's a rule that you have to play by half if you want to play in the game) but it was entertaining trying not to get wet, and to watch others get soaked.

Oh, what surprised me the most, was that there was yet another game against yet another team, and that team had actually pitched a tent (as did the ninjastars) and were waiting under it while the ninjastars were playing this game. I thought they would've gone home because of the rain but they stuck it out! Craziness!

Increadibly enough, just after this game had finished (we - well, the ninjastars - won 15-13), the rain stopped, the clouds cleared up, and the sun started shining. So, JH and I threw on our ninjastars shirts and played for the team. I think our presence helped because a number of our players started falling due to injuries. I guess playing several games in a couple of days will do that to you.

I actually played very well in that game. I was wet, tired, and hungry (I pigged out on bananas) but I had fun. I think most everyone else did. One hilarious moment came when PRQ wanted to get back at JH for getting him wet with a disc full of water. (Although this goes back for many itterations so I can't remember who started this.) So he took a large water bottle and snuck up behind her. She was talking with someone else, and at the moment that PRQ had the bottle up in the air over her head, she lashed out her arm (which was part of the conversation) and hit the bottle. There was a big yelp and he slinked off, hiding the bottle behind him, with her eyeing him quizzically. What were the chances of that happening?

Afterward, most of the team that were still around headed off to Dairy Queen for some much needed ice cream. The lady behind the counter was confused when I asked her what the fifty cent "Additional Flavouring" was. I decided to let the matter rest and not persue since she definitely was getting way too confused. Funny enough, JH, who had ordered a blizzard, wanted some extra flavouring so she went to get some. Apparently, the fifty cent extra flavouring (which was fifty-four cents when you include GST) was just a dollup of chocolate syrup. *drops jaw* What a ripoff! Anyway, they actually took her half eaten blizzard and squirted some chocolate sauce into it for fifty-four cents. How bizarre.

Oh yeah, we got to see people's driver's licences. KB looked so different without hair, PRQ looked a lot older (and more criminal) with long hair in a ponytail, and TM looked like some hitman with the goatee. It's funny since they all look so goofy now. (I look the same, but I've always looked goofy.)

Afterward, MH, TT, and I went to meet up with LY and Pokey for dinner. I found out that TT and KT were brothers! Wow, who would've thunk? This is a small world!

Anyway, dinner was very filling and I rolled home. Now I want to sleep..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:13 EDT

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