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[12:03 AM EDT - Homeworld 2.]

Oh my.. that was fun. I tried out the demo and it was so fun! Argh! I sense that many hours will be lost to this game in the near future. Unfortunately, it ran a little slow on my laptop, which is the most powerful computer I've got at my disposal. This means that I would either have to upgrade or.. *rubs chin*


[12:07 AM EDT - Links galore.]

I got links galore today, mostly from PRQ, but I got one from DL on converting 8mm film to video.

PRQ sent me links on stuff like available Domain Name of the Week (I saw that squishingly.com was available. Too bad squishy.com was taken), a mention of the ninjastars site on the ShackNews, and.. that's about it I guess. Hmm, not as much as I thought although it seemed like it was when I was working. Ah well.


[12:28 AM EDT - An ultimate MS call.]

Ultimate was okay. We played the top team in our division and got beaten handily. (It was a little annyoing when they started fielding six players, but hey, what could we say?) They definitely should not at been at this level, but at least we got a fair bit of practice with our game.

Afterward, since the game ended fairly early (due to lack of sunlight), I went home with the idea of cleaning up stuff around my room and upgrading my computer. Well, during dinner, I got a long distance call from.. SLWD! It was completely out of the blue since he apparently came across my number from left field as well.

Who would've thunk? Anyway, we had a good chat about the old times, some people we haven't seen for years, and getting together with the rest of the gang. Now all I have to do is to fit it into my schedule..

Oh yeah, he told me a funny story on a little roast. Apparently the guy roasting him looked his name up on the internet and he found a quote on my site! My my. I had completely forgotten about it, but now that I mention it, I think I do quote a lot of people.

Oh wait.. it wasn't the quote he was talking about.. *reads* That is indeed funny! Oh boy, I'm tearing up here.

Ahh.. anyway, it was a good call. It's strange that I haven't seen him in three years and it only seemed like yesterday?


[12:55 AM EDT - A little sidetracked.]

Oh yeah, so the phone call tonight sidetracked me for a few hours so I wasn't able to get things done, but sometimes it's nice to break the rhythm ever now and then isn't it? I still have to think about what to spend my money on in the next few years. I'll need a new car, and I should have my neck looked at. Then, there's this condo idea..


[1:01 AM EDT - SBT: Name that compound.]

I'm not sure if anyone answered this one from years ago, but

What common chemical compound is represented by: "HIJKLMNO"?

This was a pretty annoying one. I remember banging my head against the wall for this one.


[11:05 AM EDT - Touching logs.]

I just discovered the touch command (in Linux) while figuring out why I kept getting an ssh error. Handy. Anyway, it's Friday, but it doesn't seem like a Friday. This short week doesn't feel so short, and I'm really in need of sleep.

I came in to work and saw a sign posted on the door.

"All laptop users check in with the network guys before logging on to the network."

Uhh.. I think I fall into that catagory. Apparently they wanted to check for viruses (W32.Walchia) but I was clean.


[11:17 AM EDT - SBT: Underwater balloon.]

I found this one at the same site as the one from yesterday. I'm debating whether I agree with the solution or not, but I'll post it here for now:

You have a rubber balloon with a string attached to it, and a weight attached to the other end of the string. You put just the right amount of air in the balloon such that if you submerge the balloon and weight under water to a depth of 30 feet, the balloon will not rise or sink (its buoyancy force is exactly balanced by gravity).

You then pull the balloon and weight down another 30 feet. If you let the balloon go at this depth, will it rise or sink?

Assume that the water temperature is the same at both depths.

Notice that the question assumes that the balloon will not stay in the same position.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:39 EDT

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