Ugh, I'm starting to feel the effects of Saturday's day out. My skin's starting to peel. I guess I did get a little burned that day, and I'm aching all over. I guess that's what happens when you get old and don't stretch. I'm also really tired despite going to bed early last night. *blinks*
Yup, I think I need a break from the weekend. Oh hey, there's another tournament this weekend. Oh joy.
While I'm still here, there's a ski patrol BBQ on Saturday as well, and ultimate on Thursday as well.
As always, my dreams seem awfully strange after the fact. Heck, they're strange even during the fact!
Anyway, I recall this morning's sequence as being fairly episodic, although they had a common story arc. I believe it started with me meeting some sort of big business guy and we both started robbing a number of stores. All we did was say "hand over your money" and took off. Mind you, a couple of the stores that we hit were actually stores he owned, so it was more for the thrill of the act rather than for monetary gain.
Ahh.. shoot. Fire alarm. I'll be back.
Okay, I guess I didn't read the signs so I didn't know that there was a fire drill today. Anyway..
Anyway, our little crime spree continued on and on, with each heist being another episode in this adventure we were having. Each time someone else from his life was being affected by it, and each time it started getting worse and worse. At one point in the dream, there was a little aside, where one of his aides was supposed to abduct a little girl. It looked like the girl from Ringu, and from that point on, things got really weird. I was supposed to watch over some sort of television store really late at night, so I turned on a number of TVs to provide illumination since the lights didn't work. I had walked out of the room for a moment to look for something, but I think I saw her instead, so I rushed back into the room. That's when the TVs started turning off one by one until I was left in pitch blackness with that girl somewhere nearby.
I then found myself back into that crime spree with that business guy, but things were getting out of hand and I wanted out. I think I was able to talk to a couple of his associates and they were telling me that he was going a little too far..
I need to clean up the spelling on my site, so I did some preliminary searching for web based spell checkers. Ideally, I'd want a spider that will automatically check all of the pages on my site, but this is a good start.
Ugh, I'm going through facial tissue like a fish goes through water. It's kind of annyoing actually since my pile of used tissue is growing and had I stepped out of the office every time to blow my nose, I would get now work done. As it was, I gave myself a bleeding nose on Saturday when I was blowing my nose like it was going out of style.
Hey, I got a postcard from VanPi! I guess the message got through. I knew sending out all of those postcards would pay off in the end! (Mind you, sending off all of those postcards so often really starts to hurt the pocketbook. *looks in deflated wallet*)
Anyway, it seems as if VanPi enjoyed the trip. Now if I was told earlier about it, I would've tried hiding out in the luggage compartment..
Anyway, I should be finished with the caption fixes. All I need to do now is to spell check everything. Ugh. Now that's going to be quite a chore since there will be so many deliberate misspellings that sifting through it all will hurt me a lot more than it will hurt you guys for reading it.