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[4:00 PM EST - Dream Sequence.]

Oh yeah, I suddenly remembered part of my dream last night. It was pretty vivid, and surprised me that I would see something like that. All I remember was that I was at a pool hall with a bunch of people including this girl (to remain unnamed), although you can figure out where my attention was. After picking up the weird cues, she motioned me to one of the walls where there was some sort of mural. On the bottom, written in.. pyramid style (is the best way to describe it), was a message directed at me. Something to the effect of

"..for taking her out, behind my back."

Whoa! (Keannu style)

What the hell was my subconscious telling me? I can't remember the first part of the message though. The way it was written was freaky. It was a scratchy, painted style, with the last word being a picture thing..

I think I should cut down on my cream intake.. the cake last night was way too filling.

Got rid of some picture links. Got all jumbled up when I added in the new ones..

Well, we won our quarterfinal match 8-1.. no goals for me. We really didn't need it. The ice was bad, but it hurt them more than it hurt us. We'll see how the semifinals go (this weekend).

Ugh.. still working on paper. Just got a notice to ask why I'm taking too long with my thesis, need food. Going home.

Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 22:09:34 EST

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"The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not."

Eric Hoffer (From The Quotations Page.)