I've been clobbering bugs all morning, and I decided to check up on news. I found a link (from the ShackNews) to what IT might be (I mentioned IT a couple of months ago). IT's probably going to be a scooter of some sort. What caught my attention was this line:
Kamen is also said to be planning later versions of the scooter that would include his patented version of the Stirling engine, an almost perpetual motion machine.
Damn, are people finally going to put Stirling engines to practical use? Well, it would be about time! (I've talked about it enough - like here and here and here - although I repeated my thought that third time.)
<- still waiting for that Stirling/Electric hybrid.
Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 19:50:42 (UTC)
Here is a car in production which is run off compressed air... And reasonably affordable too (75,000 FF or 1,500,000 pta). Too bad they aren't selling them here, although I did see a couple of Smart Cars driving around Vancouver this past couple of months (one of them with European plates too).
Cool car
Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 20:17:06 (UTC)
Hey yeah, I remember finding a link about air powered cars a while ago. Is this the same car that you were talking about? If so, I didn't expect to see them in North America so soon!
Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 22:21:36 (UTC)
Yes and no. The air powered car is the same one you're talking about. The smart car is a small gas powered car. It is a two seater that can park perpendicular to the road in parallel parking spots.
Smart car
Thursday, March 08, 2001 at 06:11:15 (UTC)
Cool. (I didn't notice your link before.) I'll take two!