What in the world?!? Oh man, this looks really sucky. What's up with this?!? I "upgraded" to IE6 and my page looks messed up. What the heck is MS doing?!? Ah well, I'll get to the bottom of this eventually. Hey, it messes up Laz's page as well I noticed. (Or maybe it's just me.) Piss me off I say..
Anyway, I'll throw up a couple of links. HP is buying Compaq for 25 BILLION dollars. *raises pinkie to lips* I first read about it in the Star this morning but found this link first. There's something else I found last night(from the ShackNews).
Tuesday, September 04, 2001 at 22:30:57 (UTC)
Really? I'm using IE6 at work(6.00.2462). I was forced to--I couldn't install Visual Studio.NET otherwise. :P Your page looks fine to me.
Wednesday, September 05, 2001 at 02:56:26 (UTC)
That's probably because I fixed the style sheet. Actually, it wasn't completely fixed since some other things got screwed up. (Like the comment entry form for example.) Ah well, I'll have to think about it.. (I've changed it back so you can check it out. All of the text seems to be centred.)