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[Sunday, December 24, 2000: Dream Sequence: My shortest day.]

I was woken up by a horrible whilstling sound. It kept droning on, and on, and I didn't have enough strength or gumption to get up to investigate. In my current state of mind, I felt as if the noise continued for hours and hours, but I knew that it couldn't have. There was no way I would've gotten more than one hour of sleep. After enduring enough of this tripe, I turned my head at which point the noise stopped. Apparently they noticed that I was awake. Sonuva..

I should've stayed in bed to spite them, but I got up, I got out, and checked the time. The number was blinking: 2:40 AM. Crap. I put on some clothes and shambled down the stairs. It was only nine. We were supposed to leave early to pick someone up, but we didn't have to anymore. (So why the heck was I awake?) I just wanted to go at that point. I wasn't hungry, and I didn't want to fall asleep again.

I was told there was a message for me from Jax, and relized that I should call her back. Unfortunately, it was probably way to early to call her back, so I figured that I would call back when I got back to the house (probably around noon) and decided to leave her number at the house.

While I was throwing my equipment in my bag, I took out Renee's stick just in case we needed an extra one. Apparently people were bringing extra sticks but I thought that this one would be a good size for girl.

We headed out to the rink and got there more-or-less on time. I was falling in and out of conciousness so it was all a blur. When we got there, we saw someone standing outside of the doors. Apparently the rink was still locked. While girl and the guy were talking, I saw some guy walking around inside. It didn't take long before he opened the door and let us in. We were given changeroom 2 and I sat down in the heated room to regain some of my senses. That didn't work, so I laced up and headed out onto the (flooded) ice and get some blood flowing. For some reason, the custodian was firing up the zambonie. When he started driving onto the ice, I realized that he was planning to do something so I got off. I didn't think he'd flood it again, and the nets were still on the ice, so whatever he wanted to do, I didn't want to be around when he did it.

In the change room, more people had arrived and they were strapping on their equipment. I figured that I might as well put on my stuff as well. I checked to see if there were any left-handed sticks available, and HBK looked at me funny and told me that girl told him that I was right handed! What the hell? She KNEW I was left-handed because I always complained about not having any left-handed sticks at all the roller/street hockey games we went to. Anyway, the answer was no. Well, there was one extra left-handed stick, but it was the same length as Renee's. It was too short. I didn't have much of a choice. I played with Renee's stick.

As I mentioned before, this was the first real hockey game that I've ever played in before. But I must admit, it was really fun. We only had the rink booked for an hour, so we got on the ice, dinked around for a bit, and started to go at each other. I kept my eye on the clock as we played and at one point, the time was quarter-past eleven. Err.. that was over time wasn't it? However, there was nobody else at the rink, and we weren't kicked off, so we continued playing.

After a while, some guy and his kid came by to talk with one of the guys. I found out later that the guy owned the place, or the store or something, but he and his kid wanted to join us! Sure thing! Why not? So we had a couple more people playing on the ice, although the problem now was that this changed the dynamic of the game. Most of the people on the ice were neophytes, and these guys were not. Not even close. It was like a couple of hockey players, surrounded by a bunch of pylons.

I was playing the lowly position of netminder since very few people wanted to put their bodies between the puck and the net. *thinks of buying a cup* This also meant that I wasn't as tired as the rest of the team, so when girl told me that we were stopping at half-past noon, I was surprised. I didn't think we played that long.

After the game, girl wanted to go out for lunch. Everyone else was ambivalent. Eventually, she decided to go to Pizza Hut, and we went. By the time we had finished, it was already half-past two, and we had to drive one of our cousins home. It was after we had droped him off, that she realized that there was a message on her phone for me from Jax. What the heck? It was already past three.

I tried calling her back, but only got the answering service. girl suggested that she could drive me down there, but what the heck was she thinking? I was tired since I only had an hour of sleep and I just had a big meal. There was no way I was going to stay up in a dark room to watch a two-hour movie. Plus, there was only twenty minutes to make it to the theatre, buy a ticket, find the group and/or find a seat. Further, I was still soaked from the game, and I smelled funny. I don't think the people around me would appreciate my pressence if they had to sit next to me for a couple of hours.

So basically, it would be a waste of time and a waste of money. I left a message on Jax's phone to call me back after the movie. I went home to shower and sleep. I figured I'd get another hour or two before she called back.

When I got up (after some awfully bizarre dreams), it was already dark outside. I checked the clock. It was still blinking. Crap. I checked my other clock: Quarter to nine. What the..?

Oh, all I remember about the dreams was that in the last one, I was on a search for some type of mixed drink that had brandy in it. I found that odd since I don't drink, and I wouldn't have drunk the concoction. But when the guy gave me the mix, it looked like ice cream on a spoon. Now that was very tempting to try out, but that's when I woke up.

Anyway, I wandered around a bit to see what was going on. I called up Jax but got the answering service and then girl told me that Jax had called while I was asleep. Goody. I decided to call Jax again and leave a message. This time I got through! (What the heck?) That stunned me for a few moments as I tried changing from "leaving an message" mode to "conversation" mode. It didn't really matter though, it was too late to do anything, and they were going to call it a night. I decided to go back to sleep.

Monday, December 25, 2000 at 09:26:06 (UTC)

Ah... I see... Well, we missed you there. I suppose I should get around to posting our end of the story on my (dust-collecting) page sometime... Anyhoo, Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 05:19:36 (UTC)

Next time Jax, next time. *roaw*

But where's my fix? *bangs table*

<- Jax Journal Junkie.

Oh wait, it's up. Whee! *goes back to sleep*


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:56:01 EDT

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