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[11:57 AM EST - Dream Sequence: Good morning!]

Whee! I'm up! I had such a bizarre dream last night, but when don't I have bizarre dreams? (Oh yeah, when I don't remember them.) Anyway, all I remember was walking into a courtroom type room with chairs and stuff with a whole bunch of guys from my old highschool. I can't remmeber what it was for, some sort of tour or something, but the moment I sit down, I suddenly see all of these people seated around me. There's a judge sitting at the left saying that today was a special day for the auction. Today they were going to auction off people. I watched as people of all ages started to walk into the room. One girl caught my attention cause she was really cute. I noticed that each of them had this knob like object on their wrist that glowed orange. I wasn't sure what it was. The bidding started for the first women. I think they made it up to ten cents. After the bidding stopped, the woman objected to being sold, and the judge gave her a chance to escape, by renouncing her marriage and legal rights to enter the country. She did and fled. The woman next to me had collected some of those knob like things and I took a look at one. It looked as if it stayed on by suction and when I pushed the knob out, an orange light turned on. The woman next to me explained how it worked as if I was a dunce. She told me it stayed on with 100 pounds of pressure, whatever that meant. At that point, I noticed a bunch of teenage guys eyeing that cute girl and bid for her. She too protested and the judge gave her the option of leaving if she stole something. She grabbed onto a bag of oranges that was on the podium, muttered that it wasn't really that much, and fled out the door. One of the guys went after her, and I was debating on whether I should follow when I woke up.


Oh, KGL's got another long, sappy, open, non-cryptic entry up. Aww, it's like a whole side of KGL that you never see when she's making fun of you and complaining all the time at three in the morning. (Okay, okay, except for that one time.) Feel like understanding her a bit more? Well, check out her new entry. (BTW, this is a reminder to lose weight.)

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:50:42 EDT

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"I'm worried that the universe will soon need replacing. It's not holding a charge."

Edward Chilton (From The Quotations Page.)