What the?!? The fire alarm in C2 just went off (again). Is this a test? We've been getting a whole lot of alarms recently (like last month and April). Considering that I hadn't heard any alarms before in the past few years that I've been at school, this is rather strange..
Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 18:49:47 (UTC)
I'm just curious - what sort of job are you looking for, anyway? Are you joining us in the wide wonderful world of IT?
Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 22:15:01 (UTC)
haha, you could be standing far away and squinting your eyes at a 1600x1200, low contrast screen and still see the bright blue jeans and the white t-shirt. :)
Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 22:15:13 (UTC)
haha, you could be standing far away and squinting your eyes at a 1600x1200, low contrast screen and still see the bright blue jeans and the white t-shirt. :)