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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

One thing that I forgot to mention yesterday was the fact that I finally sent in my frosh leader form after sitting on it for a few months. I figure I might as well go at it again if I have the time this fall, and I'll hopefully bump into a few old faces (and maybe some new ones) this year. Last year's frosh week was fun (for me at least) and I hope this year will be better. Of course this is assuming that I'll be accepted and that they don't stare at my ID number too hard (it starts with a 93..).

This sorta reminds me of the "house party" that we had during last year's frosh week. I can't remember where it was held, but I am not a clubber, and I really don't like going out to dance (which I can't) and drink (which I don't). Well, I still volunteered to go and watch over the kids, so away I went, into the noise cavern. After a couple of hours of sitting around, bumping into people I actually recognized, I started to get bored and wandered around a bit. A couple of girls were dancing around the edge of the huge (which is an understatement) and jam packed (another understatement) dance floor. One of them motioned me to come over and she asked me to dance with them. Aw hell, I told them

"I can't dance."

so I drifted away and really felt the urge to leave. I guess I don't like being in places where there was a lot of people.. to stifling I guess. Anyway, as the day wore on, more an more people began to leave and the dance floor really thinned out. Amazingly, Dave and his gf (I forgot her name) was still around, and they were dancing a bit. Hmm.. I also remember this girl (a frosh) who I found very attractive but couldn't do anything with since I was a leader (although I did get to talk to her a bit and found out where she was from etc.) Well, I started dancing with them since there was nothing else to do. Ended up dancing (poorly) for the rest of the night, and loosened up quite a bit. No, I didn't have anything to drink but water, but I actually had fun at the end, so I was very glad I stayed (I was planning to leave early). I hope I'll be able to enjoy it again this year, and hopefully get other people (the frosh) to enjoy it as well!

One more thing, on the way back from the party, we were one of the last buses to make it back to the campus, and I gave a little pep talk at the end (I never do things like that.. gee) which went over well since most of the kids were screaming and chanting.. aided by a couple of girls in the back leading the chants.. anyway, as they filed out of the bus, one of the girls who asked me to dance with them passed by and told me

"You're a good dancer."

I couldn't keep a smile off of my face after that. Too bad I didn't catch her name.

Fell down on the way to school. This makes it two falls since I got my Rollerblades. Fortunately I landed on my butt so I didn't put any holes in my jeans (another pair this time), but boy did that sting. I think I've got a scratch on my bee-hind but I can't tell since I can't see that area too well. Ah, the price of experience..

It was very hot and humid today, which surprised me somewhat considering the more mild weather that we've been getting recently. weirDo actually thought that this weather was prefect. Although I didn't think 29C with a humidity over 80% being all that comfortable. Blah, some people are bizarre.

The ball hockey meet wasn't the greatest meeting in history. First of all, our coordinator showed up late. Secondly, she forgot to bring the schedule (which someone else should have brought since she wrote him a note but he didn't read it or something). Thirdly, it ran so late that I had to leave early to make it to the CTRL-A meeting. Bah, the times I got for our games didn't look too bad tho, so I hope nothing big gets changed. I think I recognized the coordinator tho, I think she was my power skating instructor last year, but she might have dyed her hair.. Eh, I didn't care to much tho.

The softball game after the meeting was fun. I actually got out to play in the field for more than two innings this time! Oh, the most surprising thing was when I got up to bat. People were cheering me on, and the first base guy said


Well, it wasn't long before I found out who it was. I got struck out (in three pitch?) and wandered back. By the end of the inning he came over and said "hi". It was Mike! My god! I thought he had left Waterloo and gone off to bigger and better things! Apparently he didn't and he told me that he'd been playing in this league for two years now. Of all the places to bump into him.. well, this is something I gotta tell Squishy about!

Anyway, we actually won that game 15-14.. it was pretty close. Especially since they were sorta rallying back from a 10-3 deficit, but we had to end the game one inning early since the next two teams had to play. Wow, saved on time, but heck, it's a win and I'd take it and run!

Went to Red Lobster for all you can eat crab after the game. I probably shouldn't have gone since I wanted to save up some money, but heck, all you can eat! What I didn't realize was how salty the crab was! Eeeewww.. I didn't eat too many. Three crabs or something, which is pretty good since I was getting pretty sick of sucking out the meat, and getting sick of crab meat altogether. Yuck, hope I don't have to do that again.

I think I had another missed opportunity today. Man, things just ain't working for me ATM.

Monday, May 17, 1999 at 16:06:49 (UTC)

OK, i filled out the form. can i go now?

Laz <e-mail>

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:25:36 EDT

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