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[3:43 PM EST - Why is it up?]

Whoa, I just went to check up on FlyingS and it seems as if he's been doing a bit of searching. He found something, something that.. well, he found something.

I do wonder why some people do put their entire life up for the whole world to see. Despite the premise of this site, The PIT is not really my life. A life is full of thoughts, feelings, and emotions that intermingle with those of other people. This page is a journal, not a diary. It is a listing of events, of interesting points, and occasional commentary.

I know (now) the repercussions of baring your soul to the world, and I know how it affects those around you. Knowledge is a dangerous thing, especially if you only have a little bit of it. There are times when some people know too much, but more often, people just know too little. I often fall into the "too little" catagory, so I try to keep my opinions to myself. Usually unsuccessfully. Opinions are easy to come by. Informed opinions are rare.

But back to the thought at hand. Why do some people have online journals? Many people use them too keep in touch with friends who are away, or keep people informed on what things have been going on. But there are a lot of people who do put their life in HTML, they share their lives with anyone who's willing to listen.


Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 02:30:53 (UTC)

I would presume people put their lives on the 'net for the same reasons people write autobiographies: they have a story to tell about themselves which may be enlightening to others in their lives. The human condition is a frail one, and everyone needs some sort of guidance. Sometimes just thinking that someone out there thinks or feels the same way you do helps strengthen the soul.

I wouldn't be so hard on them. Sharing your feelings, knowledge, or anything is a good thing - especially if it advances society somehow - even if it does so by touching one person.

Keep it up Diary People

Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 04:58:19 (UTC)

True, but the main problem with exposing your life is that most people end up exposing the lives of those around them. I doubt that even half of these chroniclers tell any of these people of their life spewing habits, and not everyone wants their whole life up where everyone can read.

If they have talked to people that they wrote about and gotten consent, then I have no problem. But sometimes, some of the things that people put up make you wonder.. do these other people know of the stuff that this person is writing about them?


Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 05:57:39 (UTC)

In this particular case, yes, she explicitly states that she asks permission before she talks about people.

I don't want to make value judgements. But I can't honestly say it was a bad thing, as self-expression goes. I don't think I'm worse off for having read it.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:32:41 EDT

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