Hmm, due to the hail of comments I got last month (okay, yesterday), I forgot to mention that FlyingS threw a (more-or-less non-) commentary on Clone*Army. Today, we've got updates from Laz (about quite a bit of stuff actually), and NVM (Someone who likes opera and heavy metal. An interesting juxtaposition don't you think?). *pause* That's it? It seemed like a lot more. Hrumph.
Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 23:15:59 (UTC)
As if there are people who DON'T like metal.. Geez..
Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 23:54:24 (UTC)
Heh, you should talk to Mel sometime MJO, she's quite a character. With regard to the trivia question, the answer they were looking for was not the name of our Prime Minister.