Erk, I think my page layout was pushed to the limit with that last barrage of comments. Oi, maybe I should go and try coding a discussion forum at some point in time. It would be a neat project, and would make continuing threads much easier than these day-based comments. *rubs chin* Mind you, a discussion board is (to me) just an overgrown guestbook. The aspects are the same even though the reasoning is different. Well, maybe not. The guessbook is just one thread of a more general discussion forum..
Yes, yes.. I can see the ideas starting to form in my head. This may prove interesting. Now all I need is the time to put all of this together..
Friday, March 02, 2001 at 18:29:11 (UTC)
Hey.. when are you gonna post the answers to those trivia questions?
I put this comment here because I want this entry to win.
Brother Hwan <e-mail>