Got up early for some reason. Didn't have as big a breakfast as yesterday (I had three hash browns, four slices of bread and three eggs yesterday) but for some reason I still didn't make it to school until after nine. How odd.
Found out what NASDAQ stood for. I tried writing it down but I forgot as the ink was leaving my pen so I had to look it up again. Man, I must be going senile. (BTW, it stands for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations system.)
Anyway, I found this out while watching this documentary on the NYSE. I found it quite interesting actually. I didn't realize how quickly the stock markets have grown just in the past decade. (Considering that for most of it's lifetime the DJI was way below a thousand.)
Okay, enough about the stock markets. I don't really have much else to say though. I did finally get around to cooking dinner. I wasn't able to last night because I came home late, and found two people sleeping in the living room (one on each couch). I figured that they wouldn't be too happy if I started making noise in the kitchen so I went to bed semi-hungry.
There's a swing club meeting today. I'll see if I can make it. I also got a link from girl. You may want to check it out if you live in Ontario and are interested in Bill 74..
Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 19:53:54 (UTC)
I can't decide if I like the new font or not. I think I do.
Mister Man Mikeo
Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 21:30:44 (UTC)
It's certainly a more readable font.. but it just doesn't feel like The Pit! anymore. I guess it's an ever-changing entity, like a baby's diaper.