There was something I was supposed to do. It had something to do with paying off something or buying something. Unfortunately, I cannot remember what.
It is quite annoying not to remember.
Anyway, there was a meet tonight at the same time as badminton. I went to the meet after badminton, only to find that there were still plenty of riders milling about. Apparently it was quite a large meet and half of the people had already left by the time I got there (around eleven).
This was the last Monday night badminton for the rest of the school year. I was really hoping that she would show up. I needed to ask her something that is usually better done in person. But now I am running out of options, and most importantly, I seem to be running out of time.
Near the end of the night, AF asked me where she was. I told AF that she was probably busy with summer school. Suddenly, I was barraged with a lot of strange questions, like where did she go to school, and how old she was, did she have a boyfriend, etc. When I told her the answers, AF looked at me and asked,
"How do you know all of this?"
To which I absently replied that she told me, since we talked and stuff. AF was getting all giddy and excited and leaned in to ask if I liked her.
Well, yeah.
So why don't you ask her out? Get her number?
Because she has a boyfriend?
Well, it's only a boyfriend, at least she's not married!
Are you suggesting that I go and break up their relationship? I'm not that kind of guy!
At this point, AF told me that it was pretty obvious that I liked her, and it was obvious that she liked me. In the back of my head, I was thinking that it was probably not so obvious until I actually told AF that I liked her. But I decided not to belabour the point. But thinking back, it probably was pretty obvious that I liked her.
If I really wanted to, I could get her number. I just do not think I should. But I am running out of time..
I heard on the news this morning.
I think I will be moving some of my things around. Hopefully I do not break any more of my computers..