I was able to get the web server configured on the new machine. It seems like I use a lot less modules than I thought I did, and some of the standard modules that the are installed with the web server are superfluous. After having a little trouble getting the configuration files to function properly, I decided to redo everything from the ground up and it seems to have worked.
Once I get the mail server (or more specifically, the POP server) up and running, I should be able to transfer the files over to the new machine and retire the old box. I should be saving myself a lot of electricity, and generating a lot less heat with the new system. It is also much quieter.
I have been using the new machine for a little while now, and it seems to perform most of my usual computer tasks quite well actually: surfing, playing music, and watching videos. Some other tasks, such as playing games, or running specific Microsoft software, do not seem to have any workarounds, but I may not need to turn on my main machine as often now, and the server can also act as a much better guest machine since it is more powerful and is on all the time.
This just might work out.
Oh, I also watched the animated movie 'Metoroporisu' on my server. I noticed that the video was washed out on the few videos that I tested. I'll have to see what the issue is.