On this day of fish, I'm going to be moving some stuff around on my new server to the old server. Yes, I'm playing with fire but this time I'm backing up my stuff before I turn off the machine.
I wanted to move my hard drive from the slave position into the master position, but because I had set up the partitions as hdb, the machine wouldn't boot properly when I switched the hard drive's position. I didn't want to bothered with resetting the partition table, so I've left the machine running as a slave driver.
At long as it works right?
I'm getting the old server back up and running with an extra hard drive that I had. I don't think I have any more extra hard drives anymore. I hope I don't lose any more drives..
I spent most of the day getting ready for the trip tomorrow and finishing off Soulforge. I liked the book, and I'm thinking of looking up the rest of the Dragon Lance series.
I also went to hockey late as usual, but after the game, we weren't kicked off the ice, so the vasts majority of us stuck around for some shinny hockey. I probably shouldn't have stayed so long because I had to get up early tomorrow and we were losing an hour due to DST.