I was able to get my old server booted with a Knoppix CD, but it wouldn't recognize the hard drive no matter what I tried. The drive identifies itself as a completely different model, so I'm pretty sure that it's pooched. It would be nice to be able to get the data off of it, but I'm going to have to go on the assumption that it's pretty much gone.
Ah well, I'll start working on what I have now and see if I remember anything from those past few days.
Ugh, the combination of getting braces and this crazy sickness I've had for three weeks now has resulted in me losing ten pounds in seven weeks. That can't be good for me.
Ah, I found out what would happen when I took off the magic quotes from the PHP settings. FlyingS's comment tipped me off since the text processing didn't work. That was because I had to strip the slashes off of all the input I was getting since PHP was automatically adding slashes to everything. Now that it wasn't, I was getting rid of slashes that I actually need, so I had to go through the code and remove all of the stripslashes calls.
The code's more compact at least. Hopefully I'll remember to keep that flag off or I'll have to add them back in again..
GWG passed along a link to an article on CNN about how the French Gendarmerie Nationale will be getting Subarus. Nifty.
Thursday, March 30, 2006 at 16:14:15 (UTC)
It may be more than you want to spend, but there's always SpinRite which, according to its author anyway, does the job pretty well. (I'm really just using you for more direct confirmation...)
Thursday, March 30, 2006 at 18:51:43 (UTC)
Yeah, I checked out the prices and it's a bit more than I would want to pay since the information I lost can be regenerated (with time). Thanks for the info though.