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[9:19 AM EST - That was close.]

I was changing lanes on the highway but apparently someone behind me was also changing into the same lane from the other side. I swerved back into my lane and noticed that the other car either didn't take notice of me or didn't care.

At least he left enough space in front for me to sneak in again.


[9:22 AM EST - The cough is still here.]

Despite going to bed early last night, I still have this annoying cough. At least my soreness has been relegated to my usual aches and pains, I'm wondering if I got sick twice this weekend?

I'll be spending the next couple of days auditing my unit and making sure that I've documented all the problems with the common areas. Hopefully this won't take long..


[9:49 AM EST - Dream Sequence: Parking seizure sweat house.]

There were three components to my dream this morning that I can recall (and made a point of remembering). In the first part of the dream, GWG and I drove out to some sort of function, and then decided to go skating at a nearby rink. Since we only needed one car, he drove in his Impreza. The guy was driving like a maniac on the snow covered roads! He was narrowly missing pedestrians and other cars, and in the lot, he would spin the car and spin his wheels while looking for the best spot to park. We narrowly missed a group led by JC and were followed by some guy who also showed off some wheel spinning maneuvers.

We eventually stopped in one parking spot where GWG told me that we were stuck, so I got out of the car to help pull him out of the rut with a pole attached to the front hitch. There was a loud cracking noise and the car suddenly crashed through the ice and ended up submerged in six or seven feet of water. The size of the water hole was just large enough for the car, so there was no way he could open the windows or doors to get out.

I could hear a muffled scream emanating from the car, and it got louder, and louder..

I found myself playing around with a bunch of relatives back in our younger days, but one looked different. I recognized KarmicMayan but didn't recognize DL. She looked so thin and had all these spots on her that she looked sickly. Anyway, I had them chasing me around the table when DL ended up crashing into one of the tables. She fell down and started foaming at the mouth and went into a grand mal seizure. I tried to keep her from flailing around too much and told someone to call 911. The other kids weren't much help as they just hung around and jabbered. Then DL told me,

"Call 511."

511? Okay, I told the kids to call 511 instead. Then she corrected herself,

"Call 519."

519?!? Okay, I told the kids to call 519, knowing that they probably wouldn't..

I walked into some sort of apartment unit and had a meeting with a bunch of known criminals. They were running an illegal sweat shop in the unit and I was supposed to get the evidence needed to take them down. I looked into one of the rooms and noticed some stairs down into a large room with rows and rows of people working on some factory machines. I continued walking to the end of the unit where the meeting was to take place. There were a few small pets clambering for attention. They looked like puppies actually, but when I picked up one of them, I found out that it was a cat! The cat held me in a vice like grip and one of the leaders told me that he knew who I was, and that he would deal with me.

Then there was a lot of commotion and they all fled the unit. I was able to free myself from the cat, who felt betrayed by her master, and made it to the back patio window where I started taking pictures of the fleeing criminals. The ended up bumping into some sort of back street gang and started having some sort of shoot out. I took a lot of good photos of all of the elements involved. Once I was done there, the authorities asked me where the sweat shop was, and I lead them to the room. Only that the room wasn't there! In it's place was a normal looking kitchen with a group of old ladies playing mah jong. The stairs down was gone, and the floor was tiled.

Undaunted, I started checking the floor and noticed a very soft spot on the floor and began to cut. I peeled away the floor and found another layer underneath. Then I cut again, and found another layer, and another, and another..


[10:03 AM EST - Chain Links: Jack Bauer Facts.]

I got a list of Jack Bauer "Facts" from TT and found a website with even more of them. It's fairly entertaining if you've seen 24.


[2:52 PM EST - Chain Links: Freak BMW accident.]

GWG passed along a link to a Register article on some crazy BMW accident.


[10:02 PM EST - They are most certainly bright.]

I've replaced basically all of the incandescent bulbs in my apartment with fluorescent ones. This should shave down my electricity bill. In addition, all of my rooms seem so much brighter! (Especially the bathroom, with half as many bulbs!)

I still have the kitchen lights to replace and the stove light, but that's about it.


[10:05 PM EST - I should have seen that wasted time..]

I had planned to go to the optometrist today to get my eyes checked since I wasn't able to go last week. Unfortunately for me, when I got there the place was closed. There was a note on the door indicating that the office was going to be closed for March break.

Now, I was there last week. I should have seen such a sign since it was posted next to the hours and on the door. However, I wasn't looking at the hours last time, and the door was open so..

I got shafted. I guess I'll have to go next week.


[Wednesday, March 15, 2006: I'll need more energy if I had my own.]

I went to my parent's place for dinner and they had some people over including BT and NT. I had forgotten that it was March break, and the kids would've needed something to do for the week.

So they ended up climbing over me, chasing me down, and putting sticky notes on me all night long. I was pooped by the end, and aching all over. Even though badminton was canceled, I definitely got a workout.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:47 EDT

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