I've started to get that headache again. It's not so severe as last time, but add that to my persistent cough and I'm feeling all around bad. I'm also sensitive to temperature again.
If I start having problems with sound and light, I'm going home.
Oh yeah, girl and Dangerman got engaged last weekend. I was supposed to go out to dinner but got sick instead and my mind's been on this sickness thing that I haven't gotten around to mentioning it. Congrats!
I'm feeling cold. I've put on my sweater, scarf, jacket, and mitts and I'm shaking my legs. I've only got my racing gloves left and then I should probably find a warmer spot.
Okay, I'm starting to get aches and pains, and my eyes are starting to hurt. I'm going home.
I couldn't get back out of the condo after I got home so I went to bed instead. I just got up to brush my teeth and clean my braces since they've been sorely neglected these past several days with that sickness taking up most of my time.
I'm wondering if working on the computer may have something to do with my ongoing sickness. I was doing okay until I started staring at the screen again..
Madelaine passed along a couple of messages recently, and I was able to find pages out there with the same information. The first is a nice story about some 92 year old, while the second is an Irish Poker Joke (which I found on Maxim *wiggles eyebrows*) while the other will tell you Which Tree Did You Fall From (I'm a Fir - although I disagree with the stress and the social butterfly aspect).
I think I'm going back to bed.