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[9:25 PM EDT - Mocking Picnic.]

Hey, I just finished "To Kill a Mockingbird" just a little while ago. It's a good read, and a lot quicker than I thought it'd be. (A week? Ha!) It didn't actually seem all that profound to me, although I'd be interested in how many eight year-olds would know what Carnal Knowledge is.

Actually, something else came up that caught my attention. Scout (who I thought was a guy until like the second or third chapter) was very tomboyish, but by the end started picking up more wormanly skills. This clicked in my head because I remember talking with a couple of girls (on separate occasions) who were very ladylike. You know, always dressed in nice attire, seemed delicate, very well mannered, etc. But each one told me that they were a tomboy when they were younger. I found that pretty hard to swallow considering that I only knew them as they were now. I just couldn't see either of these girls (women would be a better word - nice women I might add *nods in hearty approval*) being.. boyish. *thinks* Not at all. How strange.

Oh.. I forgot to mention, I ended up going to Laz's Kung Fu picnic thing this afternoon. Dangerman, Tenshi, and Jules came along too. I was a little surprised that Jules was there because I didn't think she actually knew any of these people! (Well, I figured that she'd have met Dangerman by now.. and she's met Laz before.. okay, so maybe not THAT surprised.)

Anyway, we got to the park soon after it had stopped raining. The people there marveled at our good timing. (Or bad timing as the case may be: "Why didn't you come earlier? Then we wouldn't have been rained on!" Whatever.) There was lots of food, but I didn't eat all too much because I still had most of my two omlettes (and two pieces of toast) in my stomach at that time. The people were nice, and we got to enjoy some sports: Disc throwing, passing around the volleyball, more disc throwing.. There was soccer as well, but Dangerman and I opted out. *looks down at not so loose jeans* Actually, these newer jeans I have now are pretty sucky for sports. They're loose around the waist and tight around the legs. Bad combination. That's what happens when other people by pants for you..

*looks at pile of holey jeans*

<- thinks of going on a jean hunting excursion.

Anyway, we didn't do much but eat, talk, and play sports. It was fun though, and we stayed there for a couple of hours (although it seemed like much longer than that).

So now I'm back home and thinking of sleep. *looks at clock* Hmm, I probably should get up early tomorrow.

Monday, August 27, 2001 at 15:45:56 (UTC)

to kill a mockingbird is one of my favs! er.. i guess that would be my book!! i still have lots to learn from that book.


Monday, August 27, 2001 at 16:10:28 (UTC)

It's a good book, but I've been exposed to many of it's aspects in other works so the impact isn't as big as it would've been when it came out (for example) or if I were reading it when I was eight (although I wouldn't have known what Carnal Knowledge was at that time).


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:28:20 EDT

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