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[1:20 PM EDT - Does pop expire?]

I had this can of Brisk iced tea that I got from ET sitting in my desk for a number of years and I decided to use is up last week since I was thirsty. I took a look at the bottom and on it was stamped:

JAN 29 05

Along with a bunch of other numbers.

Yes, I've had that can for many years.

Yes, I just looked it up and soft drinks apparently do have a best before date.

Yes, I did drink the iced tea.

No, I got to the bottom and it started tasting funny so I dumped the rest of it. Ick.

No, I have not expired yet, thank you.


[5:00 PM EDT - Some kind of spell.]

I'm not sure when this started happening. It seemed innocent enough in the beginning.

I don't ever remember meeting her for the first time, or ever being introduced. She was just "around" and mingled with all the other kids. She started paying close attention to me when I started pigging out during our season ending party two years ago (in 2004 I think). She told me to stop stealing all the shrimp and I told her that I was just "borrowing" the shrimp but she would have none of that. She would bug me about it consistantly over the ensuing months.

Not that it was a one sided fight; the teasing would go both ways. I would make fun of her and act goofy around her while she would keep chasing me around the gym. This is pretty much normal kid stuff.

One day, I went out to dinner with family and as fate would have it, she was there with her family at the next table. It was a strange coincidence, but I didn't take much notice of it. We did exchange a number of faces during the course of the meal though.

The teasing would continue over the next several months with her and her partners in crime choosing me as the unlucky recipient of their attentions.

One day, I happened to be sitting down on my own when she asked about an abrasion that I had on my right shin. I told her that I got it from broomball. She gave me this quizzical look and I started explaining what broomball was. After my (rather long) description of the sport, she brushed me off and said,

"Naw, you're making it up!"

So I asked her if she believed anything I said, and she said "No". Then I asked,

"So you would you believe me if I told you that you were pretty?"

She said "No" again. So I asked if she didn't think if she was pretty and her response stunned me. I thought she was joking, but I could see it in her eyes that she felt that it was true and wanted me to prove her wrong. So, I made fun of her.

That was a pretty childish response, but I wasn't sure what she would've done if I did start probing deeper. So I left it at that. But we would continue talking after that.


[9:58 PM EDT - Driving Conditions: Impatient red.]

I was heading back home from my parent's place and was waiting at a red light. The car next to me starts inching forward as if ready to pounce on a green light. I took a look at the traffic lights and there was no indication that they would change. All of a sudden, the car drives right through the red light. I just sat and stared.


[10:03 PM EDT - It's all being fed.]

I've been able to get the list of recent entries to pull from my Atom feed now, so what I need to do next is to put the entire entry into the feed so that people don't actually have to come to the site to read any news.

Unfortunately the setup of my data prevents me from posting information on an entry by entry basis easily. Ideally I'd have each entry atomized, but that's not the case. Converting the site from it's current daily amalgamation to use something more discrete will take a lot of time. This is unfortunate as I would like to have both my feed and comments entry based rather than day based.

(On top of that, I want to spell check everything and reformat everything before the conversion.)

Okay, I see a lot of work ahead.

When I get a large block of time (like another long weekend) I'll have to look into setting it up. Until then, I'll need to determine what the best table structure is for my type of data. I'm pretty sure someone out there has come up with something already..


[10:36 PM EDT - Feed me.]

I finally gave in and started putting together a list of all the sites which I frequent and also have some sort of feed. At least I won't have to go to each and every site to see if there's anything new since, well frankly, most of these sites update less often than I do! (It either means that they don't do this all that much or I do this way too much.)

I've left something that I forgot to do so I'll finish that off before I go to bed.


[11:53 PM EDT - Time zone change.]

The time and date functions of PHP have been rewritten so I don't actually have to change the environment variable to handle multiple time zones. I can use a simple function now. Yay!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:22 EDT

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Aaron McGruder (From The Quotations Page.)