I went to bed earlier than usual last night and as such, I got up earlier this morning. However, I didn't get out of bed until later, which meant that I didn't get to work until later than usual. Actually, I had mentioned yesterday that I tend to switch radio stations often and so this morning when I looked at the clock I was dismayed to see that the time was 9:25. I would be very late despite waking up that much earlier this morning. The next time I looked at the clock, several minutes later, I did a double take and saw that the time was 9:18. It took me a moment to realize that 9:25 was not the time, but the station I was listening to at that time. Argh!
Oh well, no harm done.
I was given an invite to a surprise birthday dinner for Pokey a few days ago, and I decided to go since I didn't have any other plans for the night except for hockey (which was much later). There were a total of eight people who showed up, four of which weren't family. (Or soon to be family.) In addition, they were all guys. Ah well, the food was decent, but I should have stuck with something that required a lot less chewing (I ordered the prime rib). What I didn't figure on was how late this dinner would get. First of all, everybody was late, and secondly, it took forever for the food to get there and the bill to arrive. I also had to get gas since I was running close to empty. In the end, I arrived back home to pick up my equipment way past eleven and realized that I was much, much too late.
Very, very.. annoying!