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[10:25 PM EDT - Blinking at 200.]

My fuel indicator started blinking at around 200 kilometers. The blinking light means that I've got about a quarter tank left, which means that I've got around 65 kilometers to go before I need to gas up. The light has been going on and off, so I'm not quite sure if I'm at a quarter yet, but when I got home, it was blinking all the time, so I'm pretty much down to my last quarter of fuel. Once the light stays on all the time, I need to gas up very soon.


[10:46 PM EDT - You have to be logged in first?]

What the hey? You can set up hamachi web sites that require you to be logged into hamachi first? Why didn't someone tell me?!? (No wonder why I kept getting the connection timed out error..)


[10:48 PM EDT - Busy weekend.]

The past two days have been pretty much jam packed. Most of my time was spent riding the bike, as the weather was pretty much perfect for it (with my leather suit).

I'm pretty sure I've missed one thing or another, but hopefully I'll remember events as I continue writing during the week.


[11:06 PM EDT - Ultimate dinner ride.]

I wanted to ride today. I knew that the weather would be ideal for riding, so I convinced myself to ride down to the ultimate practice downtown, then to brunch, and then possibly by Squishy's place, and then meet up with SS and CC at CC's place for some riding up north.

Well, things started well. When I arrived at the field, I spooked everyone (except for DR) as nobody knew who I could have been. DR had a funny feeling that it was me since we both talked about getting bikes last year, but couldn't find any good deals back then. ASH may have been able to guess too since he knew that we were looking for bikes.

Anyway, I ended up playing with the opposing team as they were short guys.

One thing that irked me was that I ended up getting a parking ticket. First of all, I forgot that bikes taking up a car spot would be treated as a car. (Street parking is free.) Also, I had never needed a ticket before while parking in that lot. Finally, I wasn't even sure if I could get a parking stub since there was no secure place to put it! I should have argued with the parking officer and told him that someone must have taken my ticket or it had blown away.

Hmm.. of course there would've been a receipt.

Ah well, it's only a parking ticket. Wait.. thirty bucks? Argh! I guess I can make it up by riding downtown more often.

After the game, we had brunch at the usual place. I probably should set up some sort of party with them ultimate people.

Afterwards, I swung by Squishy's place but nobody was home. Then I headed back home and found out that I had a few messages. One was from Dangerman regarding dinner, and the other was from SS regarding riding.

I ended up going up to CC's place where SS was trying to change his oil and filter. He gave up after several minutes as nobody could get the oil filter off. After that, the three of us went riding to VC's new place.

I hadn't seen the guy in a while and found out that he was taking care of some night school stuff. Apparently there was some sort of incident that he had to take care of a while ago about some sort of stabbing.

So I asked him where he worked. Then something clicked: The incident that he had to take care of was the same one as the one I was at last year! I didn't see him there, although there were so many people, and it was all confusing, and he had other things on his mind at that time too..

The coincidence was pretty strange. (Like two ships passing in the night.)

Afterwards, I headed to my parent's place where I met up with the family and went out to dinner.

The I rode home (which is when the fuel indicator started blinking). It's all good though. I was thinking of filling up near my parent's place (where gas prices are cheap) but I'll be back in that part of town later.

Ooh, but not on the bike. Doh!


[11:10 PM EDT - Things that don't fit.]

Oh, I found out that my license plate won't fit onto the back plate! The holes aren't spaced the same. How could that have happened?!?

I'm using a tie to keep one of the corners in place, but it's a little annoying.


[11:48 PM EDT - Bikers everywhere.]

I've noticed that a lot more people look at me when I'm riding. It's especially interesting to note the camaraderie of other bikers even though we don't know each other. Most of the time when I'm passing by another biker, they would stick their left hand out to the left and slightly down to greet the other rider.

Such a friendly bunch of people huh?

Also, ever since I got the bike, a lot of strangers have come up to me and asked me questions about the bike, and would share stories of their own biking experiences. I'm still surprised when that cutie came up to us and asked about our bikes. If only she were single..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:27:27 EDT

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