With all the time I spent fiddling around with X3D, I never got around to finishing my link feed (that's the next project to finish I guess). So I'll throw up A Virgins Plea here. TT told me to take a look. He's at three million hits now with two million to go and half the month left. He's pretty much got it in the bag. Sack. Whatever.
I got a link to a maze from BKJ. You need to have your sound on for this one. (Yeah, that tipped me off too.)
I found the article from CNN about Chavez's comments on Bush that GWG passed along quite interesting.
I really should get that link thing working soon. I got the following commentary from GWG as well from a while back. (I think it's a spoof.)
I went to my parents place for dinner as usual before heading out to badminton. I ended up telling TN about the VLT (the very large tomato).