I have forgotten to mention a couple of incidents that happened the past few days. On Thursday, I went to the washroom while trying to find my class. After I took a leak, I turned to the sinks and there in front of me was this girl who was checking her hair in the mirror.
I was pretty sure that I was in the right washroom since there was another guy that was inside before me, and that there were urinals. So I waved at her and said,
She turned to look at me and didn't seem fazed one bit. She turned back to the mirror, finished fixing up her hair, and walked out of the washroom.
Then tonight while it was raining, I was sitting with TT while he was eating. We saw this girl walk by the front of the store with a clear plastic bag over the top of her body, and she was trying hard to pull the sides of the bag down to her waist. I've seen people using garbage bags to protect themselves in the rain in a pinch. Sure it looks a little tacky, but it works right? Well, wouldn't you normally put holes in the bag so you could stick your arms and head out of the bag? This lady was completely encased in the bag and I was wondering if I would be called upon to help an asphyxiated person later.
There are strange people out there.
I was talking with LT and he was telling me that one way to make more money while limiting exposure was to create 'corporations'. Corporations act as a legal person and so any negative impact to a business that you run under a corporation will have little impact on you personally as it is technically owned by the corporation and the liability belongs to the corporation.
So, who wants to start Omnicorp?
Wait.. it seems like that name is used. Crap, I'll have to come up with a new name.
I spent the morning cleaning up the apartment so that it would not look as if I had been living in a pig sty, but my lower back was still a little sore from the collision from last night.
Well, to make a long story short, nobody showed up to the LAN party at my end of the party, but there were a number of people at FlyingS's end, so I joined up with their network and tested out a number of the programs that they were using, like Skype and Hamachi.
Both programs worked pretty well, and we had a number of rounds of Unreal Tournament 2004 (Demo) before I decided to call it an afternoon. (I only played for a couple of hours.)
There was a family BBQ taking place that day too so I decided to partake in some free food. So I drove up North, took the wrong street (again) and got there in time to eat some wings. I hung around till the end, playing a couple hours of poker before heading home.
Saturday, June 03, 2006 at 18:54:19 (UTC)
So sorry, I didn't think to tell you. There was a note on the door on Tuesday. I guess it was gone by Thursday. KHE238 (Kerr Hall East)
Saturday, June 03, 2006 at 21:27:19 (UTC)
Son of a motherless goat.. does that mean I missed two classes?
Sunday, June 04, 2006 at 01:06:53 (UTC)
Yes, but no quizzes. I think we were supposed to have on on measure words Thursday but John said he didn't have time. We have covered all of the vocabulary for lesson 4 and made groups for our original dialogues. If it's okay with Richard and Thomas, you can join our group.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 13:39:42 (UTC)
Sounds good Karen. I've got some catching up to do.