I have a hockey game tonight so I stayed late at work. No problem, GWG loaned me 'Office Space' so I watched it to pass the time. It's an entertaining movie.
We started playing our hockey games on Friday nights at a rink much closer to work than home. In addition, it was moved an hour earlier so it makes sense for me to stay late at work before going out to play hockey. It will save me gas, time, and give me a chance to catch up on code.
I also need to sharpen my skates. I felt okay on the ice, but I didn't want to go to hard in the turns. Mind you, with my ability, I don't actually push my skates that far to lose an edge that often even in its semi-dull state.
I played better today actually. I didn't have dinner, and I got to the rink early so I was able to warm up and get used to the ice. I guess I shouldn't eat before the game and show up early more often?