I figured that I had some time to go through a couple of my remaining tapes so I wouldn't have to transport them. One had "To Kill a Mockingbird", which I had read years ago. But my dad had got a copy on tape, so I decided to check it out. There were differences, but the basic story was there.
I also finally got to find out why my tripwire updates never worked. So now I've got a little script to update the database without having to reinitialize it. Hopefully that should take much less time to keep up to date now.
I also found some intermediate chapters for Berserk which I hungrily gobbled up. Argh! Need more!
Okay, now I think I'll have to follow HKL's suggestions and go and copy that hard drive.
Hmm, I'm using Maxtor's MaxBlast program to update my hard drive and things seem to be looking good! I also found an old CD with some audio software which I tried to use to clean up my copy of "Eine Kleine Not Musik", but it just doesn't sound right, and I couldn't get rid of all of the static (well, I'm left with a hum). Anyhoo, it's not something I really need to worry about. I've got a few more things to work on, and once this thing's done with the disk copy, I'll have to see if I can get that other machine up and running and decide on which machine to keep for future use..
Oh boy, this weekend's going to be busy. There's probably going to be a bachelor party on Saturday for RW. Next month is going to be very packed.
I found my Probe episodes amongst the piles of tapes I had hoarded over the years. I'm not sure if I should keep it or not..
I've put the two new hard drives into my spare machine and it seems to be humming along pretty nicely. I've put it back together again so I can transport it next month, but now I've got two spare hard drives, which I guess I can stick into my dad's old machine (if I ever get it back up and running).
I think I'm pretty much done with these computers. I just have to find a way to get that last one running, and then I can donate the rest to reBOOT.
I just need to make sure I time everything correctly. I don't have that much spare time to spend next month..