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[12:00 AM EDT - Power out (squared).]

Hmm, the power went out on our block on the way back from work. I heard on the news that the power was out at an intersection near out house, so I planned to drive around that intersection and not get caught in traffic. Unfortunately, the traffic report wasn't very specific to the size of the power outage and I ended up stuck at a dead light a kilometer away.

The power was out for a large portion of the neighborhood, but I didn't hear anything about the cause.

I had to leave quickly since I had a first aid session to attend. This time, I took an even longer route around, just to find out that the power outtage had taken out those lights on my route as well! Argh!

The training went fairly quickly. We got down to the nitty gritty parts fast and I was done in no time! I learned a couple of things though, like checking the proximal area for sensory reception rather than distal, and that tape is good!

I was going to go out for a drink, but I didn't know where the bar was and got lost, so I headed home instead.


[12:31 AM EDT - Get rid of the popups?]

I'm thinking of getting rid of those popup boxes that I have on my site. They're a pain to code (since I have to keep track if the page is in a popup or not) and they can be annoying. It was an interesting experiment to have them around, but I don't see their use anymore (really). Besides, there must be a reason why nobody else is using them..


[12:48 AM EDT - Whoa.. she's grown up.]

I accidentally clicked on VanPi's profile on my list and up popped this personal profile (updated like.. two weeks ago). I saw the picture and didn't immediately recognize the person since I thought I had clicked ZanZan's profile.

But upon closer inspection.. *looks at name*

Good lord, this kid's all grown up! *looks at age*

Oh man, I remember when she was only..

I guess I am getting old huh?


[10:29 AM EDT - Cash tour.]

I had to make a change in one of the buildings and ended up getting a tour of the yard. Well, there wasn't really much to see, but it was good to check it out at least.


[12:15 PM EDT - The flies.. they're gone!]

Laz showed me something yesterday. He told me to walk out into the main entrance and said that there was something totally disgusting in there.

So I went and looked around and didn't notice anything, or smell anything repugnant. But there was this strange buzzing noise. The room is actually a couple of stories high and one wall was composed of glass panels facing outside. I looked up at the glass panels. The top third of the wall was covered with flies. There were hundreds of them.


Fortunately, the vast majority of them hung around the top of the room or it would've been rather disgusting to walk through that room. (Like our washroom months ago.)

I went back to check on the flies just now (after I saw a fly struggling to get out of the sink in the kitchen). I only noticed one. I guess they did a bit of cleaning up in there huh?


[2:32 PM EDT - Typographically dyslexic.]

I'm not sure what's going on with me today, but my typing is completely off. I would think of a word and my fingers would start typing other characters. It's not like your usual random typo either, I'm consistantly typing gibberish. (Okay, I can see I just set myself up for a good one..)

But yeah, it's quite wierd. It's like my fingers are dyslexic or something..


[5:35 PM EDT - WAN should I watch it?]

We ended up having a very quick lunch and had some time to spare, so we took Laz's suggestion and wandered around Walmart for a bit. The stuff there is relatively cheap, but what caught my eye (actually it was pointed out to me by MF and Laz) was "The Simpsons" first season which was selling for less than twenty bucks (including tax)! Holy cheapness Batman! I grabbed the last copy.

One more thing I forgot to mention. On Monday, I was out at the client site and was informed near the end of the day that the WAN had gone down.

It had been a long day, and a long weekend, and Derelict was throwing out a lot of puns and jokes for a fair portion of that time, so I let out,

"WAN's it coming back up?"

I am shamed. *hangs head*


[10:25 PM EDT - That's classical.]

I was watching TV while I was munching on dinner and skipped to a channel which was showing an orchestra playing some classical music. The music itself sounded very familiar and I could've sworn that it came from "Star Wars". It took me a few minutes before I realized where I had heard it from: "Legend of Galactic Heroes". The section of music I recognized was from "Frontier's Liberation" and it was a powerful score which went well with the story. (I still think that that part of the series felt rushed though.)

Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the piece.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:37:21 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)