Argh. Things are going crazy and I have no chance to work on my patrol stuff right now. This is not good..
During lunch, I noticed a sign that will make my eyes light up and mouth water:
"Visa is now accepted at this store."
As I'm getting points on my card, I'm trying to find as many opportunities as possible to use it rather than use cash. (I try to avoid using debit.)
I'm surprised that they accept Visa, although I've seen MF wrangle his way into using Visa just about anywhere. I think I'll try doing the same..
I was surfing through ArsTechnica and noticed an article stating that Microsoft will be stopping free access to Hotmail from Outlook. Sucky. This means that I'll need another web browser open to check my Hotmail. Hmm.. maybe I'll just dump the account and continue using Gmail?
I went over to DE's place for yet another meeting on the new scheduler. Things seem to be taking form now and he'll have some sort of prototype sometime in a week or so. Should look good..