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[12:05 AM EDT - GD library.]

Oh, I'll probably need this page to help me see if I have that GD library.


[10:24 AM EDT - Posters.]

Several posters are ready for our upcoming DVD. Here they are: one, two, three, four, and five.


[10:27 AM EDT - Fire crash.]

We had a fire alarm go off yesterday. There were no signs indicating that a drill was to be held today, so we all thought that it was the real deal, but no fire was to be found in our building. Further north on the other hand, it looked as if someone was having one heck of a barbeque. We found out from JY that there was a car which had caught on fire on the highway and was causing that huge plume of smoke. (No wonder why no fire trucks were heading our way.)

We just had a fender bender (or flying bumper) just below our office. I heard a clank and then the sound a screeching tires. It doesn't look serious though.


[Sunday, October 3, 2004: London Ho!]

The drive to KW was fairly uneventful. I was tired, and had trouble staying conscious on the way there despite having the sun high in the sky and traffic flowing all around to keep me up. I got my car washed after filling up with gas and they had this promotion for some dashboard cloth cleaner. You get one free if you got a car wash (the promotion ends on Sunday) so I got my car washed and picked up one of those cloths. I used it on my dash, and it looks like it did a pretty good job. It got rid of the dust, and it looks shiny and new. We'll just see if it lasts. They've finally finished the new flyway for the highway, but the traffic backlog has now moved from the intersection to the bottleneck where the highway shrinks from four to two lanes. By the time I found my way to the old building, I had realized that the entire block (except for a tiny Open Text holdout) was taken over my RIM. I gave FlyingS a call but he wasn't in, so I did a bit more exploring. I remember talking with someone who had visited the campus recently, his name escapes me at the moment, but anyway, he told me that they had started construction north of the icefield. Indeed, there was a large sign denoting that the entire area was going to be used as the university's new technology park and there were a number of roads constructed in what used to be a corn field. A brand new building stood at the end of one of these roads, but it looked like it was newly built and unoccupied. I gave FlyingS another call, and he told me where his new building was, so I headed off, realizing after the call that the city had finally (finally) started widening the road near the university.

I got to FlyingS's place and since we had some time, we went to the campus so that he could show off some of the new changes that have taken place there. We went by the new SLC floor, and checked out the CTRL-A office (which was closed). We went by the bank and I recognized one of the tellers. Then he pointed out a couple of other new buildings or additions, and I went to check in on Dr. Fisher. He was in, amazingly enough, and his office (and the man himself) looked exactly the same as when I left four years ago. Freaky.

Afterward, we went to check out the new earth science building, which reminded me of an Escher painting (with the stairs going in different directions) and we also found the large three story piece of granite which was standing off to the side, a little out of the way. (It wasn't easy to find.) We then went by the engineering area before heading back to the car so that we could drive to the restaurant. The traffic was pretty crazy and we were late, but we couldn't find the restaurant, so we parked and started walking around. We came across one potential location, but the place was up for lease, so we were a little worried that the restaurant had gone belly up. We called up HaremPresident's place and Rowan Redfern picked up the phone. She didn't know where we were going and HaremPresident didn't call so either he was still looking or he was waiting. (Although it was fun tempting Rowan

Redfern with my car.) FlyingS decided to look the restaurant up in the phone book, and images of "Fleep" came to mind as we found a phone booth. We found that the restaurant did indeed exist, and that we were off by about two hundred.. which was about two blocks. Well, three.

HaremPresident was there already, and we had a good chat on the history of the club since I left. Mind you, I didn't have much time so I couldn't stay for a detailed explanation, but there were quite a number of interesting stories to come out from there since my departure. I'm pretty glad I didn't stick around, although it would've been interesting to be around during the harem days..

FlyingS mentioned something that caught me thinking. The executives of the club these days tended to get paired up with people from the club. But when we were around, we didn't see that happen. Mind you, when we were around, we usually had the same people in various positions running the club. This type of clique type atmosphere makes it easier to get things done, but it also makes it hard for outsiders to get in. It might explain why there weren't too many females who stuck around (although we did have some females). But yeah, I found that interesting.

After dinner, I drove off to London. We were near the highway so I ended up making good time (especially since I was tailing this one guy who was speeding like crazy down the highway). I eventually found a place to park and then found the address that was given to me. It was a convenience store. *looks at address* Argh! This always happens!! Unfortunately, I didn't print out the name of the place that we were supposed to meet, so I looked around to figure out what the name was, but nothing seemed to ring a bell, and I highly doubted that she wanted us to meet at some convenience store (not very convenient I might add).

Eventually, I got a call (I had left a message) and was given directions on how to get to the restaurant (it was actually a block north of the place I was at). So we met up and got caught up on stuff. I've realized that all the people I met today look more-or-less the same. HaremPresident does look older although the hair's still the same.

I didn't have any trouble finding the (rather fancy) hotel. It was right on the road and easy to spot. Finding the hotel room (143) on the other hand was a bit of a chore. I looked down one wing of the hotel and saw numbers ranging from 101 to 126. Then I looked down the other wing and saw numbers from 161 to 186. Something didn't seem right.. There was this huge enclosure with a glass paneled celing. Inside was a gazebo, a waterfall, lots of running water, a swimming pool, a lighthouse (which has a water slide), and lots of (tropical) trees. A lot of the rooms backed up against this common area. It was more warm and humid in this area probably so that the swimmers wouldn't catch a cold while they were floating around in the pool.

I decided to walk through this area to see if there were any other rooms and I was right! Apparently the middle rooms were only connected to the main building through this huge atrium thing. After that discovery, the room was easilly found and I was able to move my stuff in. That's when I realized that I had forgotten some things: nightwear, swimwear, and deodourant. I knew I forgot something when I left for work this morning! I didn't stay up very late as it was going to be a long day tomorrow..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:57 EDT

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Aaron McGruder (From The Quotations Page.)