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[Sunday, October 10, 2004: London wedding.]

I got up at a pretty good time. Well, a good time for a weekend. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do for breakfast, but I bumped into some cousins I hadn't seen in many years and they invited me out to breakfast. Now keep in mind that they have kids (like babies) so the types of breakfasts that were going to be available were limited.

The original idea was to go out for dim sum, but from what BT had told ET, there weren't any dim sum places in London. Coupled to the fact that the kids were taking forever to get ready, we knew that we would have no chance to go out, eat, come back, change, and make it to the wedding.

In the end, we ended up going to KFC, which was the last place I would've wanted to go for breakfast (although the Golden Griddle from the next day was pretty close to last). I didn't complain though, they and some new food there which I tried out: boneless wings and taters.

Remind me not to order them again.

I was rather cold and wet that morning, and that didn't bode well for the wedding. But amazingly enough, pathetic fallacy kicked in and the sun came out less than an hour before the appointed time. Who would've guessed?

The ceremony was fairly small (there were only ninty people in total at the reception), but it was cozy, and the wedding ceremony itself felt much more personal. Bad word, but I can't think of any better way to describe it.

The dinner was pretty good. There was a lot of food, and the prime rib was yummy. There was this girl sitting at our table that, I swear looks like an actress that I've seen before. I couldn't put a finger on it so I didn't mention it.

There was also this chocolate fountain fondue thing that I continued to visit. Mmm.. liquid chocolate.. *drools*

The dancing was much more interesting than I thought it would be, but then again, with JW around, you can expect crazy things to happen. (Now if more people from his site of the family came out, the place probably would've been.. crazy.) Anyway, it was really fun actually. I woudln't have thought that our family would've been big partiers, but then again, we're not all that old yet..

Anyhoo, I don't have time to go into much more detail, but it was actually quite fun. I didn't take too many pictures as everybody and their dog had a camera, so I'll just wait until the photos get developed, and take my pick of the lot..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:43 EDT

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Eric Hoffer (From The Quotations Page.)