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[Monday, September 13, 2004: New restaurants.]

I got up late this morning. I had planned to go to the bank to do my patrol stuff but my alarm didn't go off and I lost a couple of hours. I got my hair cut instead (I went last night but the place was packed) and called up the bank ahead of time to find out what was going on. Apparently they didn't know what was going on, so I'll have to do a bit of calling when the week starts again.

I got a call from Dangerman asking if I was up for dinner tonight. I didn't have anything else to do so I figured that it was okay. They wanted to try out a new restaurant near their new place, so I figured that it was okay.

I figured that I wouldn't go and watch the ninjastars play today since I had so much to do. I went to HT's grand opening a little later than planned, but I was surprised to see a lot of people, and very few people that I knew. I had expected to see more guys from work, but only a handful showed up (like Derelict and JY).

I called up people to see if they were interested in checking out the restaurant but nobody was up to it. I didn't hang around for very long as there wasn't really much for me to do there (except eat, and I was already fullish). So I went to Laz's place since Werdna was there and ended up playing some "Typing of the Dead". It's actually quite fun, although on a natural keyboard I get screwed every time I try to type "Y" or "B" since I tend to cheat with the wrong hand with those letters.

I ended up getting a call asking if I was busy that night. I figured that I had time after dinner. So I agreed to do some driving.

On the way to Dangerman's place, I realized that I should've drove my car as well since I would probably have to leave after dinner! Argh! I always think of these things a little too late. Fortunately, KW came by so I was able to get a ride back to my car.

I found out that the restaurant that was "near" their new place wasn't exactly near their place. (By suburban standards, it was closeish but by urban standards, I consider anything not walking distance as not near.) They wanted to try this restaurant with other people because they didn't want to be the only ones to suffer if they chose poorly. Great, I was hoping that I wasn't going to get sick this weekend, but the food was fairly good, and the price was okay. Although the Pad Thai was a little watery for my tastes.

I got yet another call informing me of the location to meet up but I figured that I had time to get cake with the rest of the group (Dangerman, girl, Laz, Growly, SJ and Werdna) before I headed uptown. We were walking down the street and suddenly heard this roar emanating from one of the bars in the area. I had forgotten that the semi-finals for the World Cup of Hockey was on. My guess was that Canada had scored. But as we were in a rush, we continued on to the grocery store. We had to wait a while because the counter was closed at nine, even though we got there several minutes before nine. (We hung around for some time wondering where people were before I realized that the counter closed at nine. By the time we checked our watches, it had only just turned nine, so really someone should've been there to help us.) Considering that the grocery store was open for twenty-four hours, I found that.. odd. (I mean, couldn't they have a camera there so people can come by and help? What about a bell? Oh, they did have a bell, it just wasn't for our use.) We were able to flag someone down eventually and I'm glad I didn't stick around for cake because they ended up choosing a cheesecake, and I've never been particularly fond of cheesecake.

As we were walking back to our cars, we passed by the same bar where the roar had come from. I peeked inside to see what the score was, and it was tied at three a piece. In addition, they were playing in overtime! I continued to watch the game as I walked by, and saw Canada go in for a rush, just as I was straining my neck to look at the screen, they scored! What were the odds?!? We cheered and continued walking.

Anyhoo, I headed back uptown to do my chauffeuring duty. I thought that I was just going to drive someone home, but there were people there and they wanted to go and eat! Doh.

My night was shot already so I figured that I'd tag along. It took us a while before we found a restaurant. The extra couple was looking for a sushi restaurant, but couldn't find it, and they weren't from town so didn't know of any other restaurants. I probably could've suggested one or two, but I wasn't really in the mood for food. (Sleep would've been good actually.)

Eventually, we settled on a Chinese restaurant and proceeded to eat. As we started consuming our comestibles, some guy in a red jersey came up to the window and started banging really hard on it. I think it shocked everyone, but I recognized him. It was JH! In fact, the whole clan was here! (OC, YC, HBK, CC, DC, and JH.) They had just come back from the hockey game and came up for food. What were the odds?!?

So I talked with them a bit before going back to the other group. After we had finished eating, we went our separate ways and my chauffeuring duties were done.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:33:59 EDT

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