I printed out one of the photos from my west coast trip. It's the one where we were at the Columbia Ice Field. I should've used the original. The darned thing got blown up when it got printed so it looks all blurry. I might go back downstairs to sneak in another copy..
I've checked out MJO's most recent entry. Seems like work doesn't seem to be going so well. I don't know what Go has to do with swing, but as I mentioned before I won't be going back until next, next week. (But damn were they cute. All of them! At least the ones I saw.) Damn, I want to go back now.
BTW, I still have that Bon Jovi CD you gave me MJO.. *pops it into CD player*
Sunday, June 11, 2000 at 10:28:44 (UTC)
Like my glam name?
I have to admit - Go has little to do with swing. Sounds like the Swing is worth more of your time! ^_^
Icy Purplepants