HKL came by to drop off a couple of hard drives for me to play with. I'll probably use them in my secondary machine and turn it into something that's actually semi-useful. Unfortunately they got dropped so I'll have to make sure that they work. In addition, I'll have to find a way to copy the old hard drive onto one of these fellas. I don't want to go around reinstalling the entire operating system when I'm only changing the hard drive..
Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 12:18:15 (UTC)
Three suggestions:
1) All the major hard drive companies have a utility that helps you move all the date from your old drive to your new drive. Maxtor's is called MaxBlast.
2) Use Norton Ghost if you have it.
3) Use a Floppy or CD bootable version of Linux that supports NTFS -- mount the drives and then copy the data over.
Grinning Reaper