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[12:27 AM EDT - A new month.]

Well, it's May, and it's time for me to go through some of my site stuff and see what I should update. It seems as if I've left some stuff out of date, and there's quite a number of unfinished pages on here. *sigh*

I'll see if I can find some time later today to work on cleaning this stuff up. I'll need more than a day to finish any of this stuff, but at least I could do the once over to make sure some of the smaller things are done..


[12:52 PM EDT - Is it going to rain?]

The sun was shining and the skies were mostly blue when I got up this morning, but it's now mostly overcast and there's a chance of rain. I was thinking of biking over to the party, but what if it rains?

No it didn't stop me when I was a kid, but I'm older now and I'm afraid I might melt.


[1:22 PM EDT - Dark and sleepy.]

Hmm, it's getting dark, so I don't think I'll be biking. Oh well.

I've been very sleepy these past few weeks. For some reason I'm on the verge of falling asleep during the day even if I get a full night's rest. I sure hope it's not 'Infectious mononucleosis', although I wouldn't have any idea where I would've got it from. Besides my last fever was last year.


[2:00 PM EDT - Before I forget about air..]

I was watching a show on the Discovery channel about some submarines using 'Air-Independent Propulsion'. I found the use of a Stirling engine very novel. If only we could make heat engines more practical..


[2:19 PM EDT - Wait.. it's sunny again.]

Darned it! Whatever, I gotta go.


[5:00 PM EDT - My own home.]

I've made it through this crazy winter. With the parental units out of the country, and being a patrol leader, on top of all of the stuff that I've been doing already for work and sports.. Well, I'm just glad I made it through in one piece. Not having time to figure out what to do except maybe to prepare for the next day is not the way I want to live. I don't plan on doing that again.

With the ski season over, and a lull between winter and summer events, I finally have been able to look around for a new place for myself. It didn't take long. With some help from GWT and HT, I was able to do some research and footwork and find a place that I liked at a reasonable price. (Although prices these days all seem way beyond reasonable.)

The initial signing of the contract was fairly muted, but as time has passed, the excitement of owning my own abode has grown. I'll have my own place! Woot!

When I finally move out in a month and a half, I'll have to figure out what to do for the rest of my life..


[Monday, May 2, 2005: YAR.]

Yet another reunion. Actually, having these reunions are nice as we get to see people we rarely see anymore. Although with all of these reunions, we're starting to see each other more often..

In any case, having more of these meetings allows us to take our time with catching up with the old high school folks and finding out what happened with those we have lost contact with. We also have more chances to talk to those who left before you had a chance to speak to them at the last reunion.

Well, we had over twenty people show up, which is a pretty good number. NM showed up as well, and I hadn't seen that girl in ten years or so! (Hasn't changed a bit actually.) In addition, a larger portion of the group are now married and a growing number are starting to have kids. By the next reunion, I'll be expecting to see a bunch of babies present.

Boy do I feel old..

Anyway, somehow LE and Madelaine got to talking about me and Madelaine looked at me and asked:

"So, are you still single?"

I didn't like where this was going..

After I confirmed that question, LE noted,

"We should find you a girlfriend."

That's what I'd thought she'd say. At which point Madelaine commented,

"Well, you've got to beat DM"

I had to chuckle at that. So, the two of them chatted some more, and got AR asking me questions like,

"So what do you do, what do you like?"

I guess he had a girl (or five) in mind, but I said that I liked playing sports, and I could see him mentally cross off names from his list at which point he asked,

"Well, could they just come and watch?"


It was all good though.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:55 EDT

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"Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)