At the banquet, JM looked at me and told me that as a house warming present, she'd get me an iron. After I mentioned how I didn't know how to use one, she told me that she'd teach me how to iron as well! Yay!
girl passed along a link to some sort of Just Cause Law Collective. I don't think I'll ever have the time to read it, but it looks interesting.
With the income tax, insurance, mortgage, bills, trips, crashing stock market, and other stuff that's been going on, I've had a lot of money flowing around here, and it's pretty crazy to keep track of it all. I think I should be able to pull it off so long as I keep an eye on everything. Unfortunately, that requires time, a commodity that I always seem to be lacking in..
Argh! I got hit by a video charge on the 407. Where the heck did that come from? *looks at plate* Yup, that's my plate, and I know when it happened: When I went to pick up the parental units. I could've sworn that I took out the transponder though. (Nearly last minute but I did.) I'll check it out on Thursday to see if the batteries are dead or something.
Derelict point me to a survey on bbspot. This is what I got:
You are .swf
You are flashy, but lack substance.
You like playing, but often you are annoying.
Grow up.
I don't wanna grow up!
We had our final game of broomball for this season tonight. The temperature was so high! I was walking around in a T-shirt and was shocked how cold it was in the arena. We had more people show up than I had anticipated, but there was still a lot of space to run around in.
Unfortunately, I ended up landing on my knee again, so whatever healing I had in the past day is gone again. I think I'll have one large scar where my knee is in a few months.
I invited GT and JT out to dinner for their help with my condo hunt.