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[12:09 AM EDT - Getting some matters settled.]

Well, I spent most of the day working, and trying to get things settled with my mortgage. I had a meeting lined up for tonight, but ended up being a little late because of work. There was a lot of traffic at the mall, but that's to be expected for a Friday, especially on a payday.

There was a lot of construction going on at the bank, which added to the confusion, but I was fortunate that I had already booked an appointment. I had to bring in a pay stub and the purchase agreement so that the bank would have all the information it needs to process my mortgage.

I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to get the same rate as I had gotten for my preapproval, as rates had risen since I acquired it, but I found out that the rates had dropped back down to the previous level yesterday so I ended up with the same rate! Lucky!

In addition, I found out that my pay stub wasn't good enough as it didn't have enough information on it. Fortunately, this being pay day and I having gotten my cheque, the combination of the two was more than sufficient information. Lucky!

Someone up there really wants me to get this mortgage huh?

Because of the delays, I was late at heading out to the visitation. I had gotten there before visiting hours were over, but the gate was closed, so I couldn't get in (after passing by several times, and wondering why I couldn't find the place). So I went home.


[Sunday, April 17, 2005: Hockey in the morning.]

I got up early so that I could pass by Tim Horton's before going to the hockey game. I wanted to pick up some timbits for the team to much on before (and during) the game. I managed to make it to the arena first as well, so I guess I got up a bit too early?

Anyway, we played poorly in that game. The other team only showed up with six skaters, but they played hard, and we were always beat to the puck. I guess we got a little overconfident?

Nobody went out for lunch, which was good since I needed to get cleaned up before the funeral. Unfortunately, this meant that I didn't have anything to eat because I had to skip breakfast to get to the rink early..


[Sunday, April 17, 2005: Funeral in the afternoon.]

I went to a funeral in the afternoon. It was kinda sad, but I got to see a bunch of people that I haven't seen in a while. (The kids have all grown up!) There was a dinner thing afterward, but I couldn't stick around because I had to attend the zone year end banquet. Which was too bad since I didn't get to catch up with any of them.


[Sunday, April 17, 2005: Banquet in the evening.]

I was told by girl to change my clothing before I went to the banquet. Something about me being underdressed (or poorly dressed or whatever). So I went home and changed. I'm pretty glad I did.

I found out earlier in the afternoon that I had also had to drive DE out to the banquet. This was a little annoying since he was out of the way and I was already running late, but it's always good to have someone else in the car to keep me up since I was planning to drive back tonight.

After traffic issues, forgotten items, map finding, missed turns, and some luck. We made it to the banquet just in time for the food to be ready.

Well, that's not necessarily good since they had introduced the hill and the patrol leaders and I wasn't actually there.

The food was fairly good, although I think I got too much on the first pass, because I didn't have room for dessert! (Maybe I'm just getting old?)

I ended up talking to a lot of people. Normally, I'd just sit in the corner, take pictures, and watch everyone else since I didn't drink, dance, or socialize, but because of my position this year, people came up to me to talk with me. Lots of people. Because of that, I was compelled to greet people who hadn't come up to talk to me who I actually did know (because I couldn't just leave them out right?).

It was actually pretty good. Our hill didn't have much of a showing, but I had a good time. The ride back was fairly uneventful, but as I was drifting to sleep, I got DE to talk to keep me up, which I then realized wasn't what I needed to keep me up. I needed to talk. The moment I started yammering away, my haziness and drowsiness disappeared and I was able to drive fairly normally.

I should start talking to myself more when I drive huh?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:44 EDT

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