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[8:18 PM EDT - I knew I seen it before..]

I was talking with girl about the motorcycle thing and asked her if she had the motorcycle handbook. She told me to check the bookshelf. After a few minutes of searching, I found it! Whoot! I guess I won't have to spend money getting one for myself..


[Sunday, May 8, 2005: Driving Conditions: Spending the day out.]

It was a nice day today. It was warm, but not hot. Sunny but not too bright. Windy, but not too breezy.

I got up early for hockey, and found out that I wasn't the first in this time. We actually had a full line show up at game time, so I was pretty happy. The game went both ways, but in the end we prevailed. So we ended up winning the series in six, with all but one game hard fought matches.

After the game, I ended up talking lunch with CC, SS, and LJ. I found out that I had missed out on dim sum, so I went out with those guys.

On the way into the rink, the traffic light at the intersection wasn't working. The lights were flashing red and yellow (probably due to a power failure). But when we left the arena, the lights seemed to be working. I noticed some guy at the corner doing some work on the signals, but didn't pay much attention.

I was sitting at the head of the line when the light turned green. An SUV to my right made a right turn before the light changed, and was honked by some guy driving through. Fortunately there was no collision, so I made sure that there was no oncoming traffic, and made my left turn.

As I was turning, another car came in on my left, with it's left turn light on. We narrowly missed each other. I didn't pay much heed to that and continued driving. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I could've been in an accident! Before lunch, I talked to LJ about it (who was right behind me) and he told me that he looked behind and noticed that lights for the eastbound traffic was green. I had seen the westbound lights turn red, so I knew that something fishy was going on there.

I guess I was lucky that the first car that passed through the intersection wasn't that car, and the fact that it was also making a left hand turn (if the signal was to be believed). Still, two green lights for perpendicular directions is a recipe for disaster. I didn't even think that was possible..

I got a call about the car, but as I was talking on the phone, I realized that it wasn't really worth selling the car, as the handbrake needs to be fixed, the heater needs fixing, and the suspension needs replacing. A good project for some high school (or wanna be) mechanics, but not worth sinking money into IMNSHO.

We went to Jake's for lunch and got to talking about our ages. I found out that they were all the same age as me! CC was only six days older than me. Craziness.

On the way to the bar, we had passed by some kids who were holding up signs for a car wash. Since my car was in need of a clean, and since the weather for this weekend was going to be nice, I decided to take them up on their offer. LJ and I both pulled in after lunch to get our vehicles washed, and we found out that these kids were raising money for a trip to some sort of Christian gathering. (They were in the church parking lot.) Way to go!

I got home, showered, and then headed downtown where I met up with Squishy. (Whom I hadn't seen for many moons.) We went for a walk, and she bought me some ice cream. She wouldn't take my money because,

"You just bought a condo."

Good point. It was all good though. We passed by a movie shoot and saw PL on the way. (Squishy saw him first - I would've missed him actually.)

It was good, and a lot of catching up.

Afterward, I went home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:37:17 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)