I've got better emulation with this connection. Anyway, I noticed that Laz has been his busy little self (I should look at the thing that Jax was talking about). Speaking of Jax, I do remember seeing that guy in the jeans and I don't know what she saw in him because that guy can't dance. He looked like a slab of jello being flogged into submission. I was nearly rolling on the floor laughing while I was watching him suffer. FlyingS seems to have something worth getting up for in the morning, while there's something new on Clone*Army.
Wednesday, February 07, 2001 at 14:22:04 (UTC)
All I have to say is, I hope those two chatterboxes in the back come again next week to funk out, and maybe one day we'll take this show on the road! hahaha yeeeeah baby! :)