I've been playing around with the comment script so that it's a bit more robust when it comes to stray < and > characters in the comments. It should be able to find them and convert them to harmless <'s and >'s. I haven't done any rigorous tests yet, but I'm sure it should be able to handle whatever you throw at it.. *ducks*
Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 18:38:25 (UTC)
Hi QYV. Just playing a hunch. If this works, well, you asked people to try it out... :)
Feel free to delete this comment. Especially if it does what I think it might.
Do you run an actual HTML checker for comments? I can give you code and stuff if you'd like to. That's lots safer.
Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 20:40:22 (UTC)
Actually no. I don't have a tag checker, although I don't usually assume people will put in bad HTML into the comments (and I figure I can delete it if they do). But I wouldn't mind checking it out, it may come in handy someday..