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[5:43 PM EDT - The crush.]

Hmm, I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised when Stonaday didn't know that I had a crush on Madelaine for so long. I wonder though, since I know some other people didn't know about my other crushes (although I know that Laz and Growly know about one crush), whether or not these things are obvious or not. I mean, for the person who the crush was directed at, and now I'm talking in general, would they notice? I know that some are more obvious than others, and I'm starting to make absolutely no sense. Hmm, let me recollect my thoughts. *grabs a dust buster*

*after much busting of dust - and thoughts*

Okay, let's consider this guy. Let's say this guy has a crush on this girl. Let's say that his friends notice that he has this crush on this girl, but the girl herself is completely oblivious to this fact. It sounds like some really cheesy teenage soapy television story, but I think it happens quite a lot.

Now most of you out there have have a steady relationship.. *checks out readership list* What the.. am I the only single person out there or something? Yeesh!

<- dying breed.

Okay, I'm going off topic, but I've always wondered if the girl(s) I had a crush on knew about it or not. I'm thinking.. no. But that's only from my point of view. I think everyone else must've had a crush at some point in time, but did you ever think that the person you had a crush on knew about it? (Probably not huh?) Did your friends know about it? Did the person you had a crush on find out about it after the fact? Did you know of anyone who had a crush on you? Were you told about a crush after the fact? Are crushes things you only get when you're young (and stupid), or do you still get them throughout you life? And where the heck did the term "crush" come from anyway?

Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 00:22:16 (UTC)

Why is it such a big deal for the person you like to _know_ that you like them?

Consider the possibilities:

1. The crush-object likes you back, and a relationship blooms.

2. The crush-object doesn't like you back, but is flattered. As long as you don't become a pest, things should be manageable.

3. The crush-object thinks you're a dork: at least now you know.

I think a "crush" is just like "liking" somebody, without the pursuing part. It's more passive. Usually, nothing ever happens, other than some "basking in the presence" type of secret, guilty pleasures. *laugh*

Now I've said too much!

#1 Crush

Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 09:46:46 (UTC)

I don't quite know why crushes happen when you're young, but I definitely think of them as a teenage years sort of thing.
Following on from what Reg said, after you have a few teenage crushes, you realise those three possible outcomes. Once you figure that out, there's no point in sitting around dreaming about it. Unless the subject of the crush is taken, that is.. In that case, you're on your own. ;->


Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 17:56:56 (UTC)

I've always wondered if the girl(s) I had a crush on knew about it or not. I'm thinking.. no.

Well, post up a list and allow your readers to help you figure it out! Just teasing, of course.

Talk about a journal entry that kept me riveted. Some interesting questions there that could spawn off several more entries... but due to their personal and sensitive nature I don't think they would find themselves posted.


Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 18:14:00 (UTC)

Oh boy, quite a number of questions, yet so little time to answer them all..

*looks at things to do list*

*throws it away*

Okay, let's see now. First of all, about Madelaine, it's for me to know, and the rest of you who know not to tell people who she is!

Laz is right with the teaser BTW.

About letting people know about those crushes: I think.. I would like to know if there was a chance, if any, of hooking up with that person. I mean, there has to be a reason for the crush right? You have to like them to have a crush on them right? However, I agree that crushes are normally not revealed usually because crushes are expressed towards people that you have no chance in the world to ever get. For example, some movie star, or this girl who has a very big boyfriend. But there's always that thought in the back of my mind.. could it have worked out? There's one example right now that I want to know.. I could ask her but..

But.. yes, these are crushes. For single, available females, I generally do tend to act. But for girls who are taken, what can I do? Try not to like them? I think that only makes it worse, because then you look at their bad points and say.. "That's not so bad." and you're only left with the good points. You can't win! *tugs at hair*

I also agree with Jax that some more interesting discussions can be spawned from this topic, but most of them are probably personal, and expressing them on such a public forum is not the most ideal of situations. E-mail on the other hand..

<- still waiting for that marriage reply..


Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 07:02:53 (UTC)

I know I am going out on a limp here . But then again, what is there to lose. I'm not looking for any returned love here since I already have a girlfriend.

But in the spirit of this discussion and to make things a little bit more interesting, I would like to say I have a crush on Gina (I guess, she goes by the name 'girl' in this column) for four years ( I guess I still do and my girlfriend knows about it). My crush started when I met her in U of T. She was full of personality and very bubbly, and I guess I have a soft spot for this type of girls. Of course, that is just my observation, since I did not have a chance to know her better.

I relish of getting to know her better, but then again the opportunity never really came along, or probably I was just too shy.

Now, the million and one dollar question is "Does she know it ?"



Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 08:10:11 (UTC)

And the other question (worth perhaps half a million) is, do QYV's scripts log the connection details for all the comment postings?
(Though QYV, to his credit, wouldn't reveal the info even if he had it...)

some other anonymous guy

Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 09:21:29 (UTC)

Interesting - you have a girlfriend, yet you have a crush on girl, and your gf is okay with this? I always thought of a crush as being a sort of one-sided longing, which wouldn't be a quite what you're describing. Is a "crush" for you a desire to become spiritually close to someone? (ie: forming a close friendship, as opposed to becoming a couple)

mikefest '00

Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 23:51:52 (UTC)

That's an interesting comment. I strongly believe friendship and love go hand in hand. I guess the answer to mikefest's question would be if the friendship blossoms because we have common interests and are compatible, then why not, by all means start a relationship with him or her. I would not for a second date a bimbo or someone that I do not have common interests and thoughts with. That would be too boring. Isn't it.



Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 23:57:48 (UTC)

The answer to that question, anonymous guy number one, is that I don't know. Secondly, I'm not going to ask her. Thirdly.. oh, anonymous guy number two has already answered that one.

girl might actually come by and read this entry at some point in time, and boy, would that just tickle her curiousity. *chuckle*

I'm also interested to an answer to MJO's question, although I would think that crushes are fairly harmless because they ARE one sided. Come on, if I had a girlfriend (which I don't) who would scream everytime I got a crush on someone, I'd be investing in very thick earplugs. Of course, it also depends on the severity of the crush..


Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 23:59:35 (UTC)

Argh! Curse these mistimed comments (again)! Ah well.


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