I've dropped basically all of my HTML files from the site. It's all PHP and Perl now. Hopefully I didn't break anything (again).
I spent most of the night helping KW put together his computer. When I could sneak off for a break, I spent that time updating the links on my site so that they were pointing to the right pages. I think it's all done now, but it'll take time before I come across any bugs I may have left unsquashed.
Once this PHP stuff settles down, I'll start looking hard at setting up some sort of SQL server.
I tried to validate my pages using the WDG validator but something funny happened. When I was validating the site, the validator would continually attach PHP sessions to the address, and since it was a "new" page, it would continue doing this until the address got amazingly large. This was quite an interesting turn of events. I'm not too worried because I think I can turn off the setting that causes that, but then my pages won't validate! This is quite annoying..
I also decided to use the SetEnvIf parameter mentioned in this thread to keep my logs semi-clean. Laz pointed it out to me again because I didn't scroll all the way to the bottom for the suggestion. *sigh*
I played better today, although I still feel like I could've improved in a lot of areas (like hitting the bird). Perhaps I should start doing drills? I don't think I can improve much faster if I just play matches.
Also, girl and I went to pick up the parental units. It seems as if they had a good trip.