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[12:51 AM EDT - I can get sick now!]

Well, my medical benefits kicked in at midnight so I don't have to worry about getting sick anymore. Actually, I still don't want to get sick, but at least I'll be covered.

I ran the speed test again and came up with a dl/up speed of 990/100. Better, but still not as good as it could be!


[9:43 AM EDT - Transporting traffic.]

I got stuck in the first traffic jam on the highway out to this client's site. Wow. It felt a little weird, but the weather was nice, so I was able to roll down the window and open up the moonroof and enjoy some sunshine while wondering how much clutch I'd be burning off in this exercise.

I was transporting a printer so I decided to take the other car. I nearly forgot the transponder until moments before getting on to the highway. Bending down to grab something out of the glove box while driving on the road is not exactly the safist things to do is it?

Oh yeah, I had a dream which I had forgotten all the details about. The only thing I remember was that Madelaine was in it.


[10:17 AM EDT - More jobs?]

I got a link from girl on some job search.


[11:02 AM EDT - Glad I'm not a ninja.]

Hmm.. I just remembered that badminton was being moved from Monday and Wednesday nights to Tuesday nights for the summer. That just happens to fall on ninjastar games. Fortunately, I'm not playing for the ninjastars, which means that I have no conflicts! How serendipidous! It also means that I've got a bit more free time in the summer. I'll try my hardest not to fill it up with something.


[11:31 AM EDT - Only two DIMMs.]

Doh! I should've taken a closer look at the specs of the motherboard (rather than those banners). It only has two DIMM slots! Oh well, the other machine only had two DIMMs, but I recently got myself some extra RAM to upgrade the other machine. *sigh* I guess I'll have to find another use for those sticks..


[11:37 AM EDT - More transporting updates.]

I've been updating my schedule for the summer and things are filling up fast. I think I should have some free time though. Enough to get some of these projects I've got in limbo off the ground.

I've got some of LY's stuff that he left behind on Sunday. I might drop by the ninjastars game to hand over the stuff, but we'll see if the weather holds out. It's supposed to rain this afternoon.


[1:39 PM EDT - Not all poutines are made equal..]

Laz suggested that I put together some sort of comparison chart for poutine. I've been eating it quite a lot lately (well, I've been eating out a lot - which means that I can eat it a lot) and I figure it would be a good time to do some comparisons. The question is, what should I compare? There's the usual: price, quality, volume. But these can be broken down even further. At least the quality could be. For example: type of gravy, fries, or curds (if they used curds), gravy to fry ratio, temperature, viscosity of gravy, etc.

Let's put together a list shall we?


[5:28 PM EDT - Google bot scripts.]

Hmm.. it seems as if google is slowly indexing my journal entries. The search engine didn't keep track of any of the pages that you needed the journal script to access, but the bots are now starting to filter through the links and gobble up all of the pages inside. Mind you, it has to go through my script, but this is an interesting turn of events. I may not need that (slow and getting slower) search script for much longer.


[5:31 PM EDT - Speaking of those bots..]

It seems as if they've done a good job indexing my new pages (with the php extension). I'm still getting quite a number of hits for the old pages with the old html extension, but those numbers are slowly going down (as most of the hits are from search engine links anyway).


[5:36 PM EDT - Subsurface depository engineer.]

For some reason, I wanted to look up a show that I used to watch when I was a lot younger. It was a very short run show, and lasted seven eposides (including the pilot). I had sworn that I had looked it up before, but could only find one (fairly crappy) page talking about it. I decided to redo my query and came up with more hits on the show called "Probe". (More information on it here and here.)

I liked it a lot, because it was a combination of mystery, action, and geekiness factor which appealed to me at the time. The theme music got stuck in my head too, and I can still hear the piano running through the notes..

I had forgotten that Issac Asimov co-created the series, which might explain why I found it so entertaining.


[6:52 PM EDT - Well I guess they can't find anyone else.]

Geez, this is going to be a long winter..


[10:13 PM EDT - Naruto.]

Derelict lent me a copy of "Naruto" to check out. It's fairly entertaining, but suffers from standard anime series issues such as reused animation and very slow plot. (i.e. The winning move in a situation isn't used until the end of the show after fifteen minutes of posturing. Something I sometimes call the DBZ effect.)

Anyway, it has potential despite it's drawbacks.


[11:54 PM EDT - DC Post.]

I went to pick up the motherboard tonight. On the way to the pickup point, this car that was driving behind me suddenly pulled up next to me and matched my speed. I found that odd, so I slowed down and it slowed down too. So I looked over to see who it was, and it was DC! What the hey? I rolled down the window (I was driving the GT-S) and asked him where he was going. He told me that he was coming back from dinner and lived in the area! Well I'll be..

I found that quite entertaining actually. The pickup was painless and quick. I got home and installed the motherboard. After flipping the switch, I was pleased to see the computer POST. Now all I need to do is hook everything up and see if I can get this bad boy up and running..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:26:16 EDT

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