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[11:01 AM EST - Linksys FAQ.]

I'll keep this link handy. Although I still can't seem to get my wireless network working properly. (It was working before, but I hadn't used in in a long time and it stopped working many moons ago.) Actually, I can see the access point, and I can connect, but then I can't ping the router.


[3:21 PM EST - Arrowroot powder.]

I went out to dim sum with girl and Dangerman. As I was a little early (but since I'm never early, they were late), I went to do a little bit of shopping, and I came across a package of arrowroot flour! Hey.. that's cool. I was told by the parental units that it was impossible to find..

I bought a box to try out later..


[4:23 PM EST - Banking on the patrol.]

I just got back from the bank. I had to do a bit of banking and figured that this was as good a time as any. Besides, I haven't had a free Saturday in weeks! I should be able to catch up on some stuff now. I need to find out some more mutt settings and get some files off my laptop.

Patrol last night was pretty quiet. The weather scared off most of the would be sliders. We did get one accident. Right at the end of the night unfortunately. *sigh* I guess my "no accident" mojo isn't as good as SP's huh?


[4:59 PM EST - Lighten up.]

I've been living with dark blue text on a black background for a number of my programs on my server. Normally, this is okay, but when I'm going through my telnet session, the dark blue (which is "bright" blue) is nigh unreadable. I found a page that lists the changes needed to fix the blue on black problem.


[6:35 PM EST - This mutts.]

Hmm, I've been searching for a way to set a default folder to save mutt attachments and also a way to define which headers to save when saving messages. Unfortunately, I don't think either is possible with the version that I've got right now, which is unfortunate. The first is annoying since I'm not always in the root directory when I load up mutt, and when I look for the file afterward, I won't always find it until I stumble across the attachment when I'm perusing through my directory tree (like in the web site).

The second one is just as annoying because pine allowed you to export the file with some basic header information. For mutt, it's all or nothing, and since I don't want nothing, I either have to swallow the file size or manually edit each file. The headers aren't always the same either so I can't put together a simple script to scrub the files! Argh!

Let's see if I have better luck with getting that wireless router working again..


[9:34 PM EST - Perl is so useful.]

Well, I've hacked together a perl script to weed out my headers. I think I've set it up to properly clean out my mutt files. I hope I didn't screw anything up..

I also found out that there's a "Condor Heroes" anime based on the second book of that series. (The same story that I've got in comic form.) I'm getting it now, but I won't be able to watch it for a few days yet..

Anyway, I've got to get going now. Hockey awaits.. (although sleep is preferred.)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:34:45 EDT

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