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[1:45 PM EST - Lucky wallet.]

Crap. I was going to talk about this morning's dream but I forgot about it and then it slipped out of my mind.

Ah well, it couldn't have been that important right?

I got up late this morning and drove my dad back from where he dropped off the car. Hmm, I probably should drop the insurance for my car until summer because there's no way anyone's going to be riding in the AE92 with no heater right?

Oh yeah, the weather outside's amazing right now. I really want to wander around a bit.

Last night, I was looking for my wallet before I left for hockey but I couldn't find it anywhere. I wasn't too worried about it because I remembered that it was in my pocket on my way back from tutoring, so it couldn't have gone far (at worst, it would've dropped outside the house). So I went outside to look for it in the car and couldn't find it. Dejected, I went back in the house to pick up my equipment, and when I went back to the car, I saw my wallet lying on the ground! (I looked in the passenger side the first time so didn't see it.)

It had fallen in between the snow bank and car so that nobody would be able to see it unless they happened to be looking up the driveway from in front, so I was pretty lucky that it was still there (although it was darned cold)!

After hockey, a few of us went out for a snack and I actually got some food this time (since virtually nobody ordered anything and I would've felt bad to just sit around and not buy something). When it was time to pay, I felt for my wallet, but it was gone! I looked down and was relieved to see that it was on the ground. The jeans I was wearing at the time had really small pockets so the wallet had a habit of squirting out of I was wiggling around a lot, and I was with all the laughing I was doing during the meal. (It was just the stuff the guys were talking about - yikes!)

Oh, and hockey. Hmm, I played really poorly today, although our team played very well. I guess a month long break will do that huh?


[5:19 PM EST - Backing up.]

I've backing up my data again. Hopefully I'll make this a more of a habit over time since I sure as heck don't want what happened to me last year.

Anyway, I did go downtown to watch the ninjastars play a game today. They got clobbered pretty badly, but the other team was fairly good. I had planned to do a book dropoff, but nobody seemed to be home so I decided to go home instead. I guess I can show this stuff to girl before I return it.

Oh, I've also got a couple of things to change with the computers at my place. I can move the printer over to the communial machine so I can turn my "peripheral" server into a backup server. *nods head sagely* This means that I won't need to keep reattaching my hard drive to make my backups, but..

Oh well, the backup's done. I've got a printer to move and laundry to do.


[6:07 PM EST - Open top.]

Oh yeah, it was such a nice day today, that I opened up my moon roof on my drive to and from the game. Ahh.. can't wait until it warms up huh?


[6:27 PM EST - Yet another one.]

Oh yeah, at the game, I met up with the Blue Hedgehogs and a girl there said that I looked familiar. Then I told her that she probably would know girl better. At that point, her face lit up with instant recognition and told me to tell her that she said "hi". *nods*

I should buy a name tag that says,

"Hello, my name is: girl's brother"



[8:04 PM EST - Unknown device?]

I was trying to figure out a couple of unknown devices being used on a motherboard and came across a program that will detect unknown devices. Sweet! I was able to get the required drivers and now I can get rid of that extra video card!


[8:27 PM EST - The other device.]

I had another device which was giving me some crazy "not enough resources" crap. I found a forum thread that looked like a possible solution but it didn't seem to help for me.


[10:00 PM EST - Tab found.]

Hey, I found my zipper! The jeans I'm wearing has a very loose tab on the zipper and it has fallen off before. When I put the jeans on this morning, I assumed that it had fallen off somewhere, never to be found again. But lo and behold, when I went to dry my clothes, I found the tab tucked away in the drier. Now all I need to do is to figure out how to reattach it..


[10:19 PM EST - Life's not fair. That's good!]

I finally decided to track down that Marcus Cole quote I mentioned years ago:

"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, would it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

That, of course, was from Babylon 5.


[11:39 PM EST - Liquor license.]

I forgot to mention OC's comment last night.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:27:19 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)