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[3:56 AM EST - Driving Conditions: Cab pickup.]

Well.. good grief!

I was on the way back from the party and came across a car in the off ramp with hazard lights blinking. I could've passed on the left, but I slowed down to see what was up. The cabbie motioned me to roll down my window, so I asked if he was alright. He told me that he needed a tow truck (do I look like a tow truck?). I asked him if he needed a phone, but he told me that he had called them.

*scratches head*

Well, he looked like he wanted to say more, so I hung around for a little bit. That's when the lady in the back seat came out of the car and poked her head into my open window. She asked me if I could give her a ride home. (She didn't live very far from that point.)

Many of you may have heard of those urban legends of hitchhikers robbing their drivers and such, but I don't think any would be robber would've wanted to try with the mood I was in, so I told her that I'd give her the ride.

To make a short story shorter, she hopped into the car, we chatted for a bit, and I dropped her off at home. End of story. I felt pretty darned good afterward though.


[3:56 AM EST - It's not really over yet.]



[4:10 AM EST - Speaking of being a good Samaritan..]

As I was leaving the party, I saw some guy hunched over outside, seemingly passed out. I didn't even notice the guy until I turned my head for one last look.

I dropped my stuff and walked over to see if he was alright. No response. Great. I checked again. No response. I went in for a closer look, and noticed that he was still breathing and was just finishing up tasting whatever had come out minutes before. I gave him a minute to recover and he tried to stagger back into the house. I helped him inside and made sure he found the right part of a couch to crash on. Hopefully he doesn't make a mess in there..


[10:29 AM EST - Dream Sequence: Flying bells.]

Alright, I have no idea where this dream came from, but it definitely was.. strange.

The only two parts I can recall clearly were distinct frmo each other. In one, I was at some sort of bowling ally type area, except that all of the lanes were made of snow! In fact, after a number of lanes were set up, you had to plow your lane yourself. Once you had done that, you can start bowling. (Blow to bowl?) I found LR bowling at one of the lanes and she was telling me how she was actually bowling with someone else. I saw various other people from other aspects of my life, but their names and faces elude me.

Near the end, I found myself in a city walking with LDD. I think we were trying to get away from some sort of invading force. These invaders used some strange crane-like turrets that shot slow moving shells. Well, I say "slow moving" only because I can see the shells move. They're quite a bit faster than me.

Anyway, at one point, the two of us were at an intersection where a couple of these turrets had been shot in and erected, while across the street there were a couple more turrets. However, these turrets were trying to shoot each other which didn't really matter to me since I was caught in the crossfire.

I saw a shell shoot out into an open area where it exploded invisibly (and silently). I turned my body away just in time to feel the shockwave knock me into the air. When I got back to the ground, I saw the other turret shoot a shell which blew up next to a big, flattened bronze bell (the size of the Liberty Bell) which was thrust in my direction. I was able to sidestep the bell, but it ricocheted off the wall of the building and I had to jump over it. It knocked my feet out from under me, but I was able to get back up in time to see it bounce around the street a couple of times before heading in my direction again. I was able to hide behind a pillar though and was safe for the time being..


[10:30 AM EST - Day of rest.]

I'm going to relax today. I have had no rest for a week and it's starting to catch up to me.


[12:35 PM EST - Confusion.]

That's the word. I'm pretty bad at figuring out words to describe certain things, although I know that there is a word to describe those things.


[2:28 PM EST - Maus.]

I just finished reading book one of Maus. It's quite a good read. Quick too I might add.


[11:32 PM EST - Maus too!]

I finished the second volume of Maus, and I was thinking of making it a surprise, but.. I got a call and had to spill the beans.

It was a good call though.


[Tuesday, January 27, 2004: Melodious.]

I don't know how long I spent on the phone today, but I was lucky I had my charger handy to keep my cell phone powered although I spent the good part of five minutes fumbling with the cable to find the socket to plug it into while I was listening. (The cover covered up the sockets when the mouth piece is down.)

I realize that I don't call. I have a bad habit of calling at the wrong times, or bad times, or when she's not in. There are still some barriers there that prevent me from taking that final step. Barriers set up to protect me. Barriers set up to protect her. Barriers that don't seem to work too well it seems.

I'm going to sit on this for a little longer, because the ride might not stop for quite some time..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:33:29 EDT

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